Bitter sweet

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*Mabel pov*

We had 2 days. In two days our grunkles would return. In two days, we were screwed.

"What do we do!" Dipper said. I could hear the panic in his voice. We were all sat around the kitchen table, well Dipper paced.

We were trying to figure out a plan. So far, nothing.

"Pinetree, please calm down!" Bill tried to sound calm. I could hear that he was holding back tears.

"What is we disguised Bill? He could pretend to be my cousin!" Pacifica questioned. We all stared at her for a second.

"That could work. You two would have to pretend not to be dating, or it would be kind of weird since me and Pacifica are." I noted. Bill and Dipper flushed.

"Were not dating!" Both of the boys said at the same time. I just laughed.

"Bill already has the hair to be your cousin!" Dipper thought out loud. Me and Pacifica laughed harder. "What?"

"Pacifica isn't a natural blond, neither is her mom." I chuckled. Dipper looked mildly shocked.

"I'm naturally a red head." Pacifica added. Dipper just looked overwhelmed at this point.

"Anyway, the plan could work!" Bill added peppily. Dipper smiled at him slightly, and me and Pacifica gave each other a knowing look.

"We still have 2 days. Bill, we need a new name for you." Pacifica informed. We all though for a minute.

"William Northwest!" I said. Dipper and Pacifica nodded.

"That works!" Dipper smiled. He came to sit around the table. We could see that he shifted his chair to be close to Bill. Bill smiled.

"Pacifica, I need to talk to you." I grabbed her hand and pulled her out the kitchen.

"What?" She asked quietly. I giggled.

"Nothing, I just wanna spy on those two." Pacifica laughed sweetly. I hugged onto her, as we peered into the kitchen.

"Your not mad at Dipper?" Pacifica mentioned quietly.

"N-no. He was right to yell at me." I mumbled. It was my fault.

"Shut up Jelly Bean." Pacifica squeezed me. "Don't think like that."

"Ok." I whispered, cuddling into her. We both watched in silence after that.

*Bills pov*

I placed my hand on the table, and Pinetree grabbed it. He was warm. I leaned my head on his shoulder in silence. It was a happy silence. I could feel Pinetree's other arm wrap around me.

"I love you," I mutter. I can almost feel the heat from his face. He mutters something incoherent in response.

"Say it back!" I playfully whine. He chuckles at me, and pulls me closer.

"I love you." He whispers awkwardly. I snuggle into him.

He loves me! He actually loves me! My Pinetree. This is why I remembered him, he's amazing.

I tilt my head up and kiss his lips. I can see him turn even brighter red, before I close my eyes and hug him. After a second I pull away and snuggle into him again.

"I-uh" Dipper stuttered. I giggle slightly. He's so cute when he's flustered.

"Your cute." I mutter. He rests his head on mine.

"Your cute too." He whispers. I can hear Mabel squealing in the doorway, but I ignore it. I don't wanna ruin the moment.

*Dippers pov*

Bill is so sweet. I know he's a dream demon, but I can tell he's being honest. He's human now.

I gently pet his hair as he cuddles into me. I've seen Pacifica do this to Mabel, so it's probably the right thing to do! I suck at this romance thing.

I wonder if Pacifica and Mabel have noticed me staring at them. I'm trying to learn to be romantic. Its clear that Pacifica is better at it then Mabel.

"Pinetree?" Bill asks me quietly. I smile, and hold him closer.

"What?" I question gently. Was that to harsh? Dang it!

"Promise not to let me go?" He asked. He seemed so scared. I wanted to protect him.

"Promise." I nodded. He smiled. We stayed like this for about 5 minutes. Neither of us wanted to move.

*Pacifica's pov*

Mabel was right, they were adorable. Dipper was so flustered by everything Bill did. Bill had clearly noticed this to. It was cute.

I had to hold Mabel back slightly. She was very excited, and I don't blame her. Her brother finally has a romance!

But she blamed herself. I'm not sure why. It all turned out good in the end! He wasn't looking where he was going. Its his fault, not hers. I don't know what he yelled at her but I want to make him pay. Right now, Mabel was happy. And she was priority. So I guess I can deal with Dipper later.

I quickly kiss the top of Mabel's head, and I see the blush form on her face. Both of the pines twins are easily flustered.


ayyyye i posted 2 chapters in two days. I really should be doing homework. Oh well!

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