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*Dipper's pov*

Blood on my hands
My hands
He was dead
I killed him
What had I done
Why did I feel so good

I sat up fast. It was just a dream! Just a dream.

I was dreaming about murdering....

I sat up fast. I knew phycology, how dreams reflected your subconscious. I couldn't think of that.

"Mhmm" A small noise from below me hummed in annoyance. I glanced down to see Bill laying next to where I had been. I gently layed back down and felt him reattach to my warmth. He was still asleep.

"Hey" I muttered to him. I was the only one awake, and judging by the sky it was around 2am in the morning.

"I'm not doing so good." I sighed, admitting truth to his sleeping body. "My head is spinning. So much of my life was just gone, I felt like I was 12 again. And now... Is this how McGucket felt? Everything I thought I was over is so fresh again. I don't know how to function."

I lay my confessions out to the stars, knowing nobody else could here. It felt good to get them out to Bill, even if he wasn't awake for it.

*Bill's Pov*

Pinetree went silent. I wasn't sure what to do. I wanted to comfort him, try to help. But he thought I was asleep. He probably didn't want me to hear him anyway.

I snuggled deeper into him carefully. He wrapped his arms around me. We ended up with my head on his chest, and his arms around me gently. His chin rested gently on my hair. It wasn't hard to fall asleep.

*Mabel's POV*

"Everyone ready?" Pacifica scanned the party over. We where armed with pouches of rocks and large sticks. We looked like seven years playing a game, but it had to do.

"Ready!" I chirped. Pacifica grinned at me.

The plan was a following. Storm the shack, corner Ford, and make him understand. It wasn't the best plan, but it was all we had.

The shack was a short walk away. It wasn't long before we where stood in a line infrount of the huddled building. I was holding Pacifica and Dippers hands, and Dipper had Bill on his other side.

We where just the pines twin's anymore. We where a team of four, and nothing could stop us. It felt like a super hero movie, if the super hero's had no idea what they where doing. Either way, this was going to go our way. I just had a feeling.

I watched a rock fly from Bill's hand and smash the kitchen window. The distraction was done.

The plan was starting.


Hey guys. I wanted to put my big long talk in the second to last chapter instead of the last. So here we go.

I really love this story. It was my first story. The writing's not the best but I wrote what I wanted to. My motivated really depleted for this story, but I wanted to finish it. Thank you for you guys who have supported this fandom!
Tbh, I have kinda moved on from this fandom. So it felt right to end the story, as I was already headed there. See you all in the dream SMP fandom, love you. Bye!!

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