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*Dipper's pov*

"BILL!" I yelled into the woods. Me, Mabel and Pacifica had chased Bill out into the woods. But we'd lost him.

"BILL! COME BACK!" Pacifica shouted. Still no response.

"BILL! I LOVE YOU! PLEASE JUST COME BACK!" I yelled. I crumbled to the forest floor, tears dripping down my face.

"What did I do wrong? What happened?" I questioned. Pacifica gave Mabel a look, and Mabel sighed.

"A few nights ago, Bill had a dream. He saw weirdmagetton. He figured out that it was his past, and he saw himself do all the things he did. But he didn't know he was the triangle. He was devastated at the idea of that happening to us." Mabel explained quietly. I stared at her.

"So... now he knows he's the triangle. Why did he run?" I questioned. I tried to ignore the tears running down my face. Pacifica and Mabel shook there heads, they didn't know either.

"Lets split up." Pacifica suggested. We all made sure we could track each others phones, and then went in 3 separate directions.

*Bill's pov*

"We'll meet again, don't know where. Don't know when!"

The song lyrics repeated in my head. I had never heard them before. At least in this life. I huddled behind a tree. Nobody could find me here. I couldn't put anyone in danger.

Pinetree was right not to trust me. I was awful.

"I am awful." I sobbed quietly to myself.

"I know someone who would disagree." A soft, familiar voice said from infrount of me. I looked up from my knee's, to see Mabel. I wanted to run again. I should have run again, I was dangerous. But I was far to tired.

"Why did you run?" Mabel asked me kindly. She sat next to me, and wrapped a arm around my shaking body. I leaned against her,

"I'm dangerous." I muttered. Mabel shook her head.

"You've changed Bill. I know that. Your not dangerous." Mabel whispered to me. I shook my head, an looked up at her.

"But what if I am! You don't know that, I don't know that!" I protested. Mabel shushed me an began to wipe my tears with her sleeve.

"Do you want to hurt us?" She asked. She didn't sound scared.

"N-no." I muttered. She nodded.

"Then that settles it, your not dangerous." She smiles. I can see her send a quick message, but she think's I don't notice. I wait in her arms for about 5 minutes, knowing that Pacifica and Pinetree would be here soon.

"Bill!" A flash of blond hair collapsed on me, engulfing me in a hug. I hugged her back, and she moved so that all three of us were hugging.

"Hey." I muttered. Pacifica just squeezed me.

"Dipper will be here soon. Don't ever scare me like that again." She scolded. I closed me eyes.

"Its to dangerous. What if I hurt Pinetree!" I asked. Mabel shook her head.

"You won't. You've changed." Mabel whispered into my ear. I nodded sadly. I could feel Pacifica and Mabel draw away from me, and heard foot steps running up to us. I kept my eyes closed.

"Bill!" Pinetree's voice called happily. Before I could do anything, Pinetree was on top of me. He hugged me into him, and kissed me.

"Hey Pinetree" I muttered, once he broke the kiss.

*Dipper's pov*

"Hey Pinetree."

"Don't ever do that again. Never ever." I scolded him gently. He nodded.

"Isn't it to dangerous for me to be around you?" Bill mumbled. I shook my head.

"Stop saying that. Your not dangerous!" Pacifica protested. Mabel gave her a look.

"I love you!" I whispered to him. He smiled.

*Ford's pov*

Its almost done.

And this time...

He's wouldn't be able to return.


Oof ok angst Ford. Lmao. See you later! I'ma work on By the Waterfall. (my Mabel x Reader story)

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