Pacifica's Help

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*Bill's pov*

Mabel and me where on the couch. The tv was playing some old show reruns, something about a duck. Mabel seemed to be enjoying it, but I was falling asleep. According to Mabel, her uncles wouldn't be back for awhile. Something about a phenomenon taking longer to research then normally, and us having another week without worrying. Pinetree wasn't happy about that.

I think I understand why Pinetree is so special. I've seen him joke a bit with Mabel when they thought I was asleep. He is becoming a bit more comfortable, but around me he's stone cold.

Pinetree is handsome, and smart. He's funny and loving, protective and kind. I just wish he would show that side to me when he knew I was there.

I began to fall asleep on Mabel's shoulder. She was texting someone named GF❤️, according to the contact name. I closed my eyes and fell asleep on her sweater.

*Mabel's pov*

Bill was really a sweety. From what he'd said, he had no memory of anything before 8 days ago. 8 days ago he was dropped into the woods with a note leading him here. It must have been time baby's doing, a punishment. To the old Bill it have seemed awful, and the fact he was only given memories of one of the people who hates him the most is just cruel. But it's a better life for him now.

Pacifica had been freaked out at first, but as she learnt more she understood. She was going to come over soon to meet Bill. I blushed gently as she thought about her.

Bill's head slid into her lap gently. I looked down in surprise, to find he was asleep. I began to stroke his head carefully, and continued texting Pacifica.

Almost there

I smiled at my phone and sent her a quick text, The doors open, just come in, and the shut of my phone. I continued to watch ducktective and stroke Bill's head.

I heard the door gently open and shut, then pacifica call quietly, "Mabel?"

"In here," I called back. Pacifica gently walked in and sat next to me. She kissed my forehead, causing me to flush, and looked down at Bill.

"You just missed him, he passed out." I whispered to her. "Dip's asleep as well."

"Your like his mom." Pacifica teased gently. I smiled at her, my face still red from the kiss. Before I could answer her, Bill started to wake up.

"M-Mabel? Why are you red?" Bill muttered sleepily. I chuckled at him, and he sat up. "Is that GF?" He asked, pointing at Pacifica.

I flushed even more. GF was my contact name for Pacifica. Pacifica chucked at me.

"I'm Pacifica, Mabel's girlfriend." Pacifica told him gently. I rested my burning face on her shoulder, and she smiled at me.

"Girlfriend?" Bill questioned. I smiled at him, and Pacifica kissed me gently to show him. Bill made a little O with his mouth.

"She's gonna stay the night," I smiled. I pulled Pacifica of the couch with me, and placed the pillows back in order. That was where Bill had been sleeping. He smiled alittle at us, and snuggled in. I tucked him in fully and turned of the TV. I then pulled Pacifica in the kitchen.

"He's nothing like the Bill I remember." Pacifica said. She sounded comforted by that fact.

I nodded, calming down my red face. "He's really sweet. If only Dipper could see that."

Pacifica sighed, studding my face. "When did you last sleep?"

I groaned. "2 nights ago."

She raised a eyebrow at me, and gently stoked my face. I smiled and leaned into her hand.

"Get some rest Jelly Bean." Pacifica murmured to me. I sighed and nodded.

*Pacifica pov*

Mabel looked so tired. I gently pulled her face in to kiss her lips. She turned a bright red. But wrapped her arms around me and held herself there for a minute. After that, I let her go and took her hand. I lead her up the stairs to the attic, and into her bedroom. Dipper was asleep in that room as well.

Once Mabel was tucked in, I gently tip-toed to the closest where I know the sleeping bags are.

"Sleep with me, please?" I heard Mabel's voice whispered. I turned around to see that Mabel had pressed herself against the wall to make room for me. I smiled and lay next to her. She smiled and snuggled into me. We both fell asleep soon after.

*Dipper pov*

Mabel and Bill have grown close. His story seems true, but I can't let my guard down. Ford will be here soon, and then we can figure everything out.

I woke up this morning to find Pacifica and Mabel sleeping together. They were cuddling and both passed out. I smiled at them and tucked the blanket fully around them.

When I arrived in the kitchen, I saw Bill asleep in the living room. His body was trembling, and his face was scared. Probably a nightmare. Did Bill Cypher get nightmares? I guess he does now.

I wasn't sure if I should wake him, but I decided I would wake him. I quickly walked over to him and shook him awake.

*Bill pov*

"Pinetree! Pinetree stop!" I squeezed my eyes shut. Pinetree was growing in size, his claw like hands swiping at me as I ran through the woods. I dashed through the shack door, running into Mabels room. Pacifica was there as well. They had there backs turned to me.

"Mabel! Help!" I cried out in fear. Mabel and Pacifica turned around. First was Pacifica. Her eyes were yellow with dilated pupils. When Mabel turned around, she was no longer Mabel. She was Pinetree.

"Your a useless stupid child. Your a demon!" Pinetree screamed at me. Then, in a calmer tone, he said, "Wake up."

I opened my eyes to find Pinetree, real Pinetree, shaking me and muttering "Wake up, wake up stupid triangle."

I jumped back and curled into a ball as if to defend myself. Pinetree stared at me, confused. I slowly uncurled.

This was Pinetree, real normal Pinetree. Not big evil clawed dream Pinetree.

"T-Thanks." I stumbled over my words. He rolled his eyes at me. At least he wasn't mad at me, or afraid.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I didn't realize how long it was! I probably should stop writing for today. This is fun thought. I can't promise chapter 4 will be out today, but I will start it! Thanks for reading! Please leave some support if you read all this, it would be nice to see people are enjoying it! Ok, bye!! 1108 words.

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