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*Dippers pov*

"Hey Dipper!" Ford smiled as I walked in. I could tell he was making pancakes, a Ford specialty.

"Morning Grunkle Ford! The others are just behind me." I informed. He nodded slightly and returned his attention to the pancakes. A few seconds later, the other 3 came in behind me. Mabel was holding Pacifica's hand. I quickly squeezed Bill's hand when Ford wasn't looking.

"Morning Kiddos!" Stan walked in behind us. I dropped Bill's hand. Stan didn't notice anything, but I could see a slightly disappointed look on Bill's face.

"Pancakes are ready!" Ford called. He ushered us to the counter, and all 6 of us sat.

Its was a nice meal. Pacifica and Ford chatted about the phenomena they has been researching, and Mabel was joking with Grunkle Stan. Me and Bill were pretty quiet, though we would occasionally chat about random things. I wanted to grab his hand under the table, but I knew it was to risky.

Soon everyone was finished with there pancakes. Me and Grunkle Stan did the dishes, well all 6 of us talked. Once the dishes were done, the 4 of us teens headed back to the bedroom.

"Good job Bill." I smiled once we were sat on my bed. Mabel and Pacifica were across the room on Mabel's bed. Bill grinned at the praise.

"My son is growing up!" Mabel pretended to wipe a tear from her eye. We all laughed.

"Mabel, that's weird." Bill stated through his laughter.

"I though you said he was already grown?" Pacifica laughed at the same time. Mabel shrugged.

"So are you to official yet?" Mabel questioned. I felt my face get hot.

"Please Pinetree?" Bill gave me puppy dog eyes. I pulled him into a hug so that I couldn't see his face.

"Hmm. Have Bill Cypher be my boyfriend? I don't know." I teased. As I said it, I realized. I wasn't scared of his name anymore. I liked how it sounded even.

"Yes?" Bill pleaded. I kissed the top of his head.

"Yes." I mumbled to him. He tackled me in a hug, throwing me down on the bed with him on top of me, hugging me. I could hear Mabel and Pacifica cheering.

*Ford's pov*

"Please Pinetree?"

"Hmm. Have Bill Cypher be my boyfriend? I don't know."



Pinetree? Bill Cypher? Dipper's boyfriend? What was going on! Bill was back? Had he brain washed them? Boyfriend? What was Bill's plan! How had Dipper fallen so deep in?

I had to save Dipper from this monster. I had to find away to kill it.

I ran down to my lab, and started to work on modifying a memory gun. It was time to save my family.

"Your going down Cypher." I muttered. Then I froze and thought for a second.

"I'm sorry Dipper."

*Dipper's pov*

I ruffled Bill's hair, and we sat up. He rested his head on my shoulder, and I wrapped my arm around his waist.

"I love you, you stupid triangle." I muttered. Mabel and Pacifica's eyes went wide. I noticed I had called him a triangle, but I didn't think it was a big deal. He didn't know about this past. Bill jolted up.


*Bill's pov*

Stupid triangle. Triangle? Like in my dream?

I did all those things? It was me! I tried to kill Pinetree!

I didn't know what to think. I was the triangle! That was me! I didn't work for him! I did all those things! That's why Pinetree didn't trust me at first! I was dangerous! I am dangerous!

I wanted to fall onto Pinetree and let myself cry. I wanted to cry. But I had to get out of there. I couldn't put Pinetree at risk. I couldn't put any of them at risk!

I ran. Ran into the woods, ran where nobody could find me. Pinetree called after me, but I didn't stop. I was faster, smaller.





ayyyyy hi. told ya it was gunna get real.

ok bai. see you soon!

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