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*Stan's pov*

"I'm coming home, I'm coming home. Tell the world that I'm coming home." I sang roughly. Ford jabbed me with his elbow playfully.

"Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday, I know my kingdom awaits" I continue to sing. Now I'm only singing to annoy Ford.

Ford laughs at me. Its been 5 years, and I'm still so happy to have my brother back. Even if we've had rough patches.

"And they've forgiven my mistakes. I'm coming home, I'm coming home. Tell the world I'm coming." Ford begins to sing with me. He is definitely a better singer.

Soon we can see the mystery shack. The lights are on.

"Lets go home Stanley," Ford smiles at me. He swings his bag more securely over his back, and we walked home.

*Dippers pov*

"Ok, Bill, remember who you are. Your William Northwest." Mabel whispered. Bill nodded, and I bit my lip.

Bill was wearing his clothes from the first day. Dark jeans and a yellow collared shirt. Mabel washed them, and managed to take out the top hat that was embroidered on the pocket. His hair was combed, and parted.

I will admit, it was kind of weird. I was so used to his hair covering one of his eyes, and being clothed in my to big hoodies. He was handsome though.

Suddenly, we heard the door creak open. We all scrambled, picking up the playing cards infrount of us. I quickly let go of Bill's hand. Both of us glanced jealously at Mabel and Pacifica, who where still holding hands. By the time Stan and Ford were in the doorway, we all looked like normal teens playing cards.

"Hey kids!" Stan called. Me and Pacifica, who had our backs turned, turned to face Stan.

"Hey Grunkle Stan!" Me, Mabel and Pacifica said in unison. Pacifica really had become part of the family.

"Who's the new kid?" Ford asked from the doorway. We all froze for a second.

"This is my cousin, William." Pacifica remained calm and confident. Ford nodded.

"Well, me and Ford should get some sleep. Good night! Pacifica and William, feel free to stay the night!" Stan called to us as they walked out of view.

Once they were fully gone, I tackled Bill in a hug. He hugged me back, and we lay there for a second. I glanced over Bill's fluffy hair, and saw Mabel's head on Pacifica's shoulder. Pacifica looked so happy with Mabel.

"We did it!" I whisper yelled. Everyone else silently cheered.

"Can we actually play cards now? I have a good hand." Mabel laughed. We all agreed, and began to play. Mabel won the first few rounds. Once Bill learnt the rules, me and Pacifica were pretty much out of the running. Both of them seemed unbeatable. We played a few more rounds until we all began to yawn.

Once we all got to me and Mabel's room, Bill looked around awkwardly. Mabel and Pacifica quickly cuddled up, as they had been the past few nights. I motioned Bill over to me.

"We'll have to wake up a bit early so nobody see's us." I whispered in his ear. He looked at me quetionly. I rolled my eyes playfully and pulled him next to me, then pulled the covers over us. He lay there awkwardly, frozen. I held him up against me, and he figured it out. He cuddled into my chest, and I curled around him.

*Pacifica's pov*

Normally I'm the first one up. Not today. When I open my eyes, I can see that Dipper is also awake. Bill is curled in his arms, so Dipper isn't moving. I grin at him

"Hey," He whispers. Both Mabel and Bill are heavy sleepers normally.

"Hey. Bill still asleep?" I whisper back. Dipper nods.

Mabel is presses against me, snuggled into my chest.

"I guess neither of us can move." I laughs quietly.

"Ya. I'll have to wake him up soon though. If Grunkle Stan or Ford walked in with him like this-" Dipper trailed off. He began to gently play with Bill's hair.

"They were ok with me and Mabel, why would they not be ok with you and Bill?" I asked quietly. Dipper looked down.

"They know you. They don't know Bill." Dipper muttered. I nodded thoughtfully, then glanced at the time.

"Its 8:39am, we should wake these two up." I told him. He nodded, then looked regretfully at Bill.

"But he's so cute!" Dipper whispered. I smiled at him.

"I'll wake up Mabel, then you wake up Bill." I instructed. Dipper groaned and nodded.

"Wake up Jelly Bean." I whispered in Mabel's ear. I also slide away slightly.

I saw her eyes open slowly, then her cute little face look up at me.

"No." She muttered stubbornly. I pulled her so we where both sat up, and she groaned and leaned against me. Both of us then looked at Dipper and Bill. When Mabel realized that Bill and Dipper had cuddled last night, I could see her eyes light up.

"My son grew up!" She whispered to me in delight. I laughed gently at her. She had been pretty much Bill's mom over the past week.

Dipper looked sadly at the boy sleeping in his arms, before leaning down and calling his name quietly a few times. Bill just mumbled something and snuggled closer into Dipper. Dipper looked up at me pleadingly.

"Bill, wake up" He said slightly louder. This time he had no response. Dipper sighed, and quickly kissed Bill's cheek. Bill shot up.

"Morning Pinetree!" He smiled groggily. I could still hear the sleep in his voice. Dipper laughed at him.

"Morning." Dipper hugged him for a second, then slid out of bed. Everyone else followed suit.

Before we all headed down for breakfast, I turned to Bill.

"Bill, remember. You knew Dipper as Pinetree in your past life. But Stan and Ford will know its you if you call him that. So for now, his name is Dipper." I instructed. Bill nodded, and I could feel Mabel sneak up behind me.

"Are you mothering my son?" She joked. I turned around and quickly kissed her.

"If he's your son, he's my son to. Have you forgotten that I'm your girlfriend?" I giggled. Mabel smiled.

"Actually, can I not be your soon? You know, since the whole thing with me and Pi-Dipper?" Bill piped in. I laughed, and Mabel looked disgusted for a second.

"Ok! Yep! Not gonna think that hard!" Mabel laughed. I took her hand, and we all continued to the kitchen. I could hear Dipper laughing infrount of us.


Hewo! Long chapter! Very long. Ok! okokokok! I hope you enjoyed! Next few chapters, its gonna get real. So I wanted to keep this one light hearted. I hope you enjoyed!

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