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*Mabel's pov*

2 days have passed since I realized Bill's feelings for Dipper. We now have 5 days before our grunkles return.

Not much has happened. We spent a day playing board games, and eating junk food and soda. Bill was funny, since he had never had most candy before.

Yesterday we all just relaxed. Mainly since Pacifica forced me to rest, since I had started to not sleep again. That day was also uneventful, though Bill did walk in on me kissing Pacifica. He was very confused, and I was embarrassed. Pacifica just laughed.

*Dipper's pov*

So much has happened! I've been warming up to Bill, trying to make him slip up and reveal himself. No luck yet.

Bill is very cute, I can't deny that. When we were playing board games Bill got hiccups from the soda. It only lasted 5 minutes, but he had no idea what was happening. The rest of us just laughed and tried to help him, but he was convinced he was dying.

Unless he was faking that to.

I want to trust him. If I'm being honest, he's kinda hot. But I can't think that. I have to keep on my feet. Soon Grunkle Ford will come back and we can figure it all out.

Unless Ford wants to kill Bill. 5 years ago I would have gladly killed Bill, even a week ago I would have killed him. Now I'm not so sure.

No, I won't let Ford kill Bill. I still don't trust him though.

*Bill's pov*

The past two days have been great. Confusing, but great.

My brain has been filled with thoughts of Pinetree. And he's started to warm up to me! I'm still not sure why he hated me, but I'm hoping that's in the past.

The past. The past seems so important to everyone. I think I messed up big time in the past, but I don't remember any of that now. All I remember is that Pinetree is important.

*Pacifica's pov*

I'm glad I can spend more time with this family. They practically are my family. More of a family then my real family. If my parent knew about Mabel, I don't think I'd have a home there anymore.

Bill is fitting in perfectly. Dipper is finally warming up to him.

I was broken from my thoughts when I heard shuffling downstairs. I gently lifted up Mabel's arm, and slipped away to see what was happening. Mabel groaned quietly.

"Don't leave..." She trailed off and hugged a pillow in my place, falling back asleep. I padded down stairs to see what was making the noise. It was Bill.

He was trembling, his blanket curled tightly around him. I sat next to him and gently shook his shoulder. He opened his eyes slowly, and for a second they flashed yellow.

I jumped back. His eyes! Yellow eyes, dilated pupil. After a split second they had changed back to his normal dark brown. He looked up at me, and began to cry. He hugged me tightly.

"Your alive! Your alive!" He sobbed into my shoulder. I hugged him back, my mind racing.

"I never died." I muttered. He pulled away for a second. He was still sobbing, but he looked me straight in the eyes.

"You did though. A evil triangle thing turned you into a banner, and then it tried to kill Mabel and Pinetree!" Bill tried to contain his tears but failed. He went back to crying into my sweater.

My hands slipped from around him. I looked down at him fearfully. He looked so innocent, so sweet. He was crying at the thought of this. Dipper had to be wrong, there was no way all this was a act.

"Shh, calm down. It was just a bad dream," I whispered nervously. I put my hands around him again, and rested my head on his hair. We stayed like this for nearly 5 minutes before Mabel walked in the room.

Bill took no notice of her, but I gently pat the couch beside me. She sat and I squeezed her hand.

"We have a problem." I muttered to her under my breath. She looked down at the sobbing teen worriedly.

Ok! Another semi short one. I know I said it would be longer but yaaaaa. I hope you enjoyed!! 715 words.

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