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*Bill's pov*

"P-Pinetree?" Pinetree was in the doorway. I knew it was Pinetree, I knew it!

When I woke up in the forest 5 days ago, all I had was a note. The mystery shack has answers. I spent 5 days searching for this shack. In that time, I remembered two things. That left me with two memories and a note to my name.

First, I remembered my name. Bill Cypher. It rolled well off my tongue. My voice was raspy from saying it over and over again.

Second, was Pinetree. No face to the name, but I knew he was important. Pinetree was someone I needed, he gave me purpose. My Pinetree.

I dashed and wrapped my arms around him. I was just a head shorter then him. My face dug into his chest and I began to sob. "Pinetree!" I rasped again.

His hands shot up. He looked down at me, weirded out. He had his hands up so that they would not touch me. Pinetree looked at the girl next to him, the one who opened the door first before running upstairs to get Pinetree. They looked similar, maybe siblings. Maybe even twins.

I felt short. Not a feeling I liked.

"B-Bill C-Cypher?" Pinetree stuttered, peeling me off him. I stepped back, tears dripping of my face. Female Pinetree was weirded out, but curious. Pinetree was scared. Why was he scared of me? What had I forgotten!

"I think thats me." I rasped again. Everything was overwhelming. I hadn't slept in days, and my voice was giving out. I was light headed and confused.

"What do you want with us!" Female Pinetree asked. She was angry. Why was she angry? What had I done?

"I don't want anything! I mean, I want-" My voice faded to nothing. Great. I brought this upon myself. Why did I have to talk to myself so much. Pinetree looked confused. I continued to try to rasp out words, but only a few squeaks came out.

"Help." I muttered. Pinetree was still scared and confused, but his female version softened her face.

"Do you remember anything?" She asked kindly. I shook my head. My head was starting to become light from lack of sleep. Staying awake for nearly 5 days had taken a toll on me.

Pinetree started to back up. "Its a trick! I know its a trick! You can't fool me Cypher!" He half yelled, then ran up the stairs. I started to silently cry again. Female Pinetree looked concerned.

"I'm Mabel, do you remember that?" I shook my head. But I knew now. Mabel. I touched my head as it started to pound. My eyes began to close, and I felt my head smack the ground.

*Mabel's pov*

"Bill, Bill wake up." I gently muttered. I pressed a wet cloth to his head. I had no idea how long he had been in the woods, but he wasn't well. I had lifted him onto my bed when he passed out. After 3 hours, he started to come around.

Dipper was on his bed, his back to me. He was writing. He also was not happy about my decision to take care of Bill. In this condition though, he wasn't going anywhere.

Our grunkle's had texted us that we would be alone for the next 3 days, as they had found a phenomenon in the woods. I felt very lucky for that. Now that we were 18, they trusted us alone.

"M-Mabel?" I heard a voice as I was lost in thought. It was Bill, slightly raspy but sounding better.

I removed the cloth from his head. "Yes Bill?" I smiled at him gently.

"Where am I?"

"Me and Dipper's bedroom."

Bill looked confused when I said Dipper's name, but Dipper but in.

"Aren't you gonna call her Shooting Star?" I could practically hear him rolling his eyes.

For a second Bill was confused, as he took it all in. But he quickly understood who was talking.

"Pinetree!" He smiled and jolted up, but I laid him back down. Dipper groaned.

"Bill, calm down. Your sick." I tried to be calm, but I needed to think. Why did he remember Dipper? What happened?

*Dipper pov*

I was sick of this. Couldn't Mabel see? Its all a trick, he's gonna kill us! But its not like I can change her mind. I just have to wait untill Grunkle Ford gets back. Then we can do something.


"Yes Bill?"

"Where am I?"

"Me and Dippers bedroom."

I rolled my eyes. I didn't believe any of this. "Aren't you gonna call her shooting star?"

After a quick pause, I heard Bill's voice say, "Pinetree!" I groaned. He was such a bad actor. Mabel began to comfort Bill and explain some stuff to him. How I was really called Dipper, and how it made sense he would know me as Pinetree. Where he was, that we already knew him kinda, etc. She didn't mention weirdmageddon. I closed my journal. According to my phone, it was 9:30pm. I went into our bathroom and quickly changed, grabbing a extra pair of pajama's. I finished brushing my teeth, and went to my bed. Just before I tucked myself in, I threw the extra pair at Bill.

That was a long one. I don't know why I wrote so much so fast. I wanna keep going, but this is a long chapter already. So hopefully I will have chapter 3 out today too! Wow, 3 chapters in one day! 916 words!

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