Ford's Corrections

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*Ford's pov*

Its done.

Five years ago, I made a mistake. I let that tringle plead to some damned axolotl. Not this time. This time it will be over quickly. I'll save Dipper and the others, and it will all be alright! Everything will be fine! Everything is fine.

The memory gun is ready, with a few modifications.

*Dipper's pov*

"I'm sorry." Bill mumbled into my chest. I held him against me.

"Don't be sorry, I messed up as well." I whispered back to him. I could see Mabel wrap her fingers around Pacifica's hand out the corner of my eye. I guess both of us pines twins found love. A week ago, I would have never have guessed it would be Bill Cypher. But I love him, and he's changed.

"We should head back." Pacifica began to stand. She didn't let go of Mabel's hand, as Mabel stood up with her. I cuddled Bill against me for a few more seconds, then grabbed his hand and stood up.

We where almost at the mystery shack when we saw him.

I instantly dropped Bill's hand, pushing him behind me.

He didn't lower the gun.

*Mabel's pov*

He didn't lower the gun.

He didn't shoot.

He was pointing it at Bill, who was behind Dipper.

He was pointing it at Dipper.

He changed a setting.

He shot.

*Bill's pov*

Before I could blink, Pinetree fell on me. I collapsed under him, pulling him against me to cushion his fall. He groaned, and rolled over. I stayed next to him, debating what to do. But before I could think of anything to do, a female voice burst out yelling above me.

"WHAT THE HELL! YOU JUST KILLED MY BROTHER! I THOUGHT YOU WHERE MY GRUNKLE! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?" Mabel yelled at Ford. Ford took a step back, suprised. Pacifica pulled her back.

"Mabel, please calm-"

"NO! I WON'T STAND FOR THIS!" Mabel was sobbing now. Pacifica pulled her against her. For a few second, Mabel was screaming, kicking and crying. But she soon gave up, and embraced Pacifica. They both hugged, and Mabel cried on Pacifica's shoulder. I stood up.

"What did you do to him?" I questioned. I tried to keep the anger out of my voice, and be calm.

"Erased his memory of you." Ford stated. I held back tears.

"Why?" I manged to get out.

"I KNOW ITS YOU BILL CIPHER!" He screamed. I stumbled back in suprise. Ford ran back inside.

"What just happened?" I asked. Mabel was still crying on Pacifica's shoulder, but Pacifica shrugged. She was in shock as well.

"He- he knew somehow? Is Dipper ok?" She questioned. My eyes went wide, and I dropped to my knee's next to him, and began to shake him.

"Pinetree! Pinetree wake up! Please!"

"W-who are y-you?" Pinetree rubbed his head and sat up.

"Its me! Bill! Your boyfriend!" I cried desperately.

"I don't have a boyfriend."

"You do! You do you do! Its me!"

"Look dude, your being weird. Can you get off me please?" Pinetree pushed me off him, and noticed Mabel.

"Mabel? Mabel whats wrong?" He began to panic. Mabel quickly broke free of Pacifica and crashed into him.

"Your ok! I though Ford killed you! You where shot!" Mabel sobbed. Pinetree looked confused.

"Wait, what?"

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