new beginnings

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It was a warm summer afternoon, you were walking out of your classroom, you could hear the footsteps in the hallways, the faint chattering of people in the campus. Since it was the first day of your last semester at college you mostly had only orientation related stuff and didn't have many classes.

You debated whether or not to just go home as usual or call a friend and hangout. You knew it would be better for you to hang out with a friend because you've been feeling a bit stressed because you don't know whether or not you want to go to grad school but you decided against it since you've always had a slight trouble with communicating your feelings and you didn't want to emotional dump on your friend.

Just as you were leaving the campus to head to your dorm you faintly hear someone calling your name, you take off your headphones which were blasting god's menu and realize they were not calling your name they were straight up yelling it.

You turn around to find the very friend you decided not to hangout with.
"Y/n! Y/n!"
"Namjoon why are you yelling?!"
"Oh I'm sorry I was calling your name but I figured you couldn't hear me so I had to yell. God, what do you even listen to on that anyway?"
"If you want me to make a playlist for you all you gotta do is ask" you said with a smirk. Namjoon and you have been really good friends ever since you started college.

You felt really out of place since college parties weren't really your thing and you had a hard time making friends.

You were both invited to a party during your freshmen year of college. Namjoon also wasn't the type to enjoy loud parties either. I mean a crowd full of drunk, horny, on verge of puking or being puked on strangers wasn't something you both particularly fancied. There you both were rummaging through a crowd of people to find the way out and suddenly a guy, probably a senior started talking to you, you made it clear that you weren't interested but he decided to keep going and started getting touchy with you. You had had enough of it just when another stranger said "o-oh babe there you are:]" and gently held your hand, you were about to say something but just then he signalled to the door with his eyes and you got the message.

You both finally made it out and you thanked him. "Ah, no need to thank me I was also looking forward to getting out of there. God knows how many times they've played "closer" I mean it is catchy but argh well nevermind, I'm namjoon:]" the stranger said, "Haha I get what you're saying, I'm Y/N:]".

And just like that you both became friends.

*Back to present day*
"Only if you include closer in your playlist;)" namjoon said.
You both laughed in unison, for some reason your laughs synced with eachother like you both shared the same braincell.
"You still remember that?" you asked,
"Of course I do" he replied,
you both locked eyes for a moment and exchanged a warm smile.

*Hello guys and girls and those who are neither and those who are all:] I hope you're enjoy this so far, have a good day or night:]*

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