A hand to hold

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*A/N: listen to "don't forget me" by night traveller while reading this, trust me it'll get you in the feels. Okay, thankyou, enjoy:]*

Namjoon persuaded you to hangout with him instead of going home. You both arrived at a local coffee shop near your campus that for some reason you guys never went to before.
The air had the smell of coffee and since it was the afternoon not many people were around. You both decided to sit in a cozy corner near the window because the sky looked pretty.

"Oh come on spill it already" he says.
You look at him with wide open eyes and a surprised face.

He giggles looking at your adorable clueless face.
"How do you know?" You question.
"Um, well for starters you're wearing the hoodie that you only wear when you get really stressed about exams, your hands are shaking because you can't handle caffeine well, your eyes look like you've stuck tape around it to keep it open-"

"Aishh okay I didn't know you noticed so much wah" you interrupted him mid sentence.

"So are you gonna tell me or nah?" He said.
"It's nothing really just this grad school thing, idk if I'm capable of doing it" you said as your gaze went down and a frown formed on your face.
Just as you finished talking you felt someone caressing your hand when you looked up it was namjoon with a concerned look on his face.
"Y/n, don't worry about things like that, I've seen you all these years and I've never seen anyone more hardworking and passionate than you" he says with a soft smile.

You try to thank him but the feeling of his fingers gently consoling you keeps distracting you. You somehow find the words and stutter "th-thanks joonie:)"
He notices you stuttering and immediately takes his hand back which makes you relieved but also disappointed.

You both have been there for eachother since a long time and even though you've always admired eachother, you just never got the timing right. When you both met for the first time you were going through a rough breakup and then shortly after he got into a relationship too, which didn't go too well.
You didn't get to see him much for months except sometimes catching glimpses of him going to his class or when you once accidentally overheard him and his ex's argument.

It wasn't until an year ago you got a call at 1am from him, "y/n" he sighed you could hear that he had been crying "can you meet me now? I didn't know who else to call" he said,
For some reason you instinctively just rushed to his apartment even though you both hadn't spoken in months.

As soon his door opened you saw that his eyes were red and you immediately hugged him.
"I don't know what it is but I'm here" you said. He hugged you back tighter and starting sobbing into your neck.

After a while you both let go of eachother and you got him some water. When he finally calmed down you asked him about what exactly happened. He told that he broke up with his ex. Turns out she was never serious about him and he was putting all of his efforts into someone who gave back nothing but pain.

You listened to him all night long and somewhere along the way you didn't realize you both got so tired from crying and fell asleep.

When you woke up the next day you found yourself in his arms and panicked and then looked at the clock and panicked some more.

Amidst all the panicking you looked up to see namjoon sleeping soundly. You couldn't help but admire him, how his eyes look so calm, how once in a while the edges of his lips curve into a smile as if he's having the best dream of his life. "How could someone let this go?" You think to yourself.

He flinches a little due to you moving and opens his eyes and sees you. You both immediately let go of eachother. You don't look at eachother for a while, both of your faces turn red.

"W-w-we're late to the class!" You break the silence.
"Oh fuck no!" He responds.
It was 1pm in the afternoon you both debate for a while whether or not this class is even worth it and decide to just skip it.
Since you both were hungry you decide to order food instead of going out to eat.
"This pizza sucks" he said while shoving almost the whole slice in his mouth in one bite.
You laugh at how silly he looks, he laughs back.

"I can't ruin this" you think to yourself "I can't let love ruin us".

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