"suck my d-?!"

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*A/N: for this chapter I recommend "with you/for yo" by Prateek Kuhad*

You wake up to find yourself in namjoon's arms. You smile and try to break free from his hold but accidentally end up waking him up.

"Where do you think you're going?" He said while nuzzling his face into your neck,
"Joonie we have to go-" you said but he cut you off mid sentence
"It was a rhetorical question, y/n. I'm not letting you go" his voice muffled.

You were blushing real hard but checked the time to see how long you both slept for. It was 5pm in the evening, your eyes shoot open wide and you said "Namjoon we have to get up we've been sleeping for 3 hours!"
He lifted his face from your neck and kissed your lips
"Hm, how about we go watch the sunset?" He asked all excited,
You nod and say "yess!".

You both get up from the bed and you notice namjoon was still shirtless
"So you're gonna go out wearing that?" You asked in a deep voice trying to imitate an incel,
Namjoon turned out and covered his chest with his hands "Y/N, ARE YOU SLUT SHAMING ME?" He replied in a high pitched voice,
"Obviously I am, what else do you think I do to compensate for my complete lack of personality and low self esteem if not stereotype woman over the type of clothes they were?" You replied still sticking to the bit,

"It was funny at first but now I'm just sad" he broke out of the character,
"I know, misogyny has fucked up all our lives" you said patting his head for which you had to stand on your tippy toes because that dude's freaking tall,

"Anyway, let's go eat waffles" you said all excited and went to the mirror to fix your hair.

Namjoon put on a hoodie and you both headed out the door.
He drove you around multiple times before but today everything felt slightly different,
"Namjoon, doesn't this feel different?"
"What feels different? Me being your personal underpaid chauffeur?"
You giggle "yes, you being my personal unpaid chauffeur"
"Why do you think so?" You ask
"Because now you can finally pay me fair wages by sucking on m-" before he finished that sentence you playfully punched his arm, you burst out laughing
He laughed too and your laughs synced together as usual.

"Not gonna lie, it feels so good hearing "baby" from your mouth" he said and looked over to your side and smiled,
"You know what would feel even better?" You said sounding like a sales employee,

"Having me in your mo-" he replies but you hit him again,
"NAMJOON-AH" You whine while trying to suppress your laugh,
"Okay, okay, sorry" he said still laughing,
You pout and look away,
"Aigo is my y/n mad?" He said in a really cute voice so you couldn't help but smile,
"Oh, oh what was that, I saw you smile" he said teasing you,
"No you didn't. You're seeing things" you reply trying to keep a straight face,
"Okay okay stop now, I know you want to laugh, I was your best friend before I was your boyfriend. Tell me what is it?"

You turn around and smile at him while blinking your eyes really fast
He looks over at you and laughs "come on, spill it already" he says,
"OKAY, so what would feel good is us on a bullet journaling date while we plan our entire month together" you said in a really excited voice,

"Y/N, NOO T_T" he replied,
"Namjoon, please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please" you say being really annoying,

"OKAY, OKAY, let's do it, geez, you're so stubborn" he said with an annoyed expression on his face,
"Thankyou, baby!" You said and kissed him on the cheek,
His annoyed expression melted to reveal a smile and red cheeks,
"Aww, you're blushing" you said looking at him,
He tries his best to ignore you and says "oh look we here",
You smile and roll your eyes at him.

You both find a cozy spot in the corner by the window for obvious reasons.
(The obvious reason being the sky, get your minds out of the gutter)

You both order your food and just stare the sunset while holding hands till your order arrives.

"We should invite hobi and yoongi too, double date would be fun plus hobi has the best stationery ever" you say,
He agrees and says "what's with you and your obsession with cute stationery?",
"I'm very protective over my passion for cute stationery, be careful before saying anything" you said leaning back in your chair and crossing your arms trying to look like you're talking about a business deal,
He laughs at how adorable you look
"Okay okay, I won't say a word" he says while pretending to zip his mouth,
"Better" you said smiling.

You food arrived and you both went quite for a minute while devouring your waffles. You both finally finish the meal and sigh out of satisfaction.

"Shit, namjoon, we forgot about the sunset" you said in a slightly panicky voice,
"It's alright we always have tomorrow" he said taking your hand in his.

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