straight lines

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*A/N: song recommendation for today is "fallin' all in you" by Shawn Mendes. Have fun:]*

You both drive to the coffee shop y'all agreed to meet at.

Yoongi and hobi were a bit late so you both decided to pick out where to sit.
There was this really pretty outdoor area with tons of plants all around it so you decided to sit there.

As you were waiting for them to arrive namjoon pulls out his notebook and a set of pens,
"I came prepared" he said wiggling his eyebrows up and down with a proud smile,
"Awwe you're so adorable" you said in a baby voice and kissed his cheek,
Just then you heard a loud voice from behind you
"Geez get a room guys hehe!" Hobi said with his usual bright smile,
You got a little embarrassed and pulled away from namjoon,
"Hobi!" You yelled while getting up from your seat to give hobi a hug,
"I missed you so much" you said,
"Me too!" he replied.

He sat down on the seat that you both saved for them,
"Where's yoongi?" You ask,
"Oh, he's coming he's just parking" hobi replied,
"What's good, hobi? Been a while, isn't it?" Namjoon said,
"It's been too long, if not for y/n I don't think we'd have ever met again" hobi replied.

You see yoongi coming over with a backpack,
"Hey, y/n!" He said while panting,
"Were you running?" Hobi asked,
"Yeah but also no I mean I forgot about the bag so had to run back to get it haha" he said sounding a little embarrassed,
"Thanks, baby" hobi said taking the bag from yoongi.

"Let's start!" You said pulling out your journal and your stationary.

Everyone gets to work and you guide namjoon while hobi guides yoongi.

"Ugh, my lines aren't straight even with a ruler" yoongi said leaning bad into his chair pushing away the notebook,
"Neither are you" hobi said and yoongi looked at him with an annoyed face,
"And that's why I love you" hobi continued and yoongi couldn't hold back his smile and got really shy.

"Aw, y'all are so cute" you said,
"So are you both" hobi said while looking at you,
"I'm glad you finally dated him. I was honestly getting sick of you talking about him everytime we met" he continued while working on his borders,
You got really shy and wanted to change the subject but namjoon barged in and said "you used to talk about me?" And looked into your eyes.

"Oh please, are you really going to act like you didn't commit genocide over my braincells by talking about her everytime we met" Yoongi said and namjoon immediately looked away from you but you could see how pink his cheeks got.

In the quest of trying his best to change the topic, he looked around and called out "excuse me, waiter, yeah we'd like to order please", all three of you looked at eachother and smiled while rolling your eyes,
"How about coffee? Everyone fine with that?" He asks and y'all nod in agreement,
"Four black coffees please" he said to the waiter and thanked him.

"Let's go back to work, shall we?" He said picking up his pen to make the habit tracker.

Y'all had your coffees and finished the setup. You thank them for coming and hug them goodbye.

You both walked back to the car and stood beside it for a while,
"It's still a lil early to head back, isn't it ?" He said putting his arm around you to pull you close, you hug his waist and say "there's still time to see the sunset. Let's go to that place you took me?" You ask,
"Yes! Of course!" He said and you both get into the car and drive there.

It was such a beautiful view, you both sat on the hood of the car with your head on his chest looking at the sky,
"Y/n" he said,
"Hm, say" you reply,
"You remember you asked me why my ex and I broke up?" He said in a serious voice,
You look up to his face lifting your head off of his chest and nod.
"I think it's time I tell you why" he said and got up to sit straight.

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