Old friends

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*A/N: Heyy, I'm sorry I've been gone for a while, anyway the song recommendation is "Phantom" by Nightly. I don't know if it's going to fit well with this but it's a lovely song nonetheless:). Have fun:]*

You kept going to see jungkook's mother when he wasn't free. This led to you both meeting very often. You still didn't find the words to say Jungkook that you're dating someone.

It was after school and he took a day off from work so you both decided to meet, not in a hospital, for once.

You were sitting at the café fiddling with your phone while waiting for jungkook. You hear a knock on your table and look up to find jungkook.

"Hey, y/n" He said,
"You look kind of lost what are you looking at?" He added,
"Oh nothing, I was just checking up on namjoon" you said, still sort of zoned out,
"Um, who's that?" He questioned, sounding slightly suspicious,
You snapped back to reality and realize what you just said,
"Oh, well, I think it's time I tell you, I'm sorry I couldn't find the time to tell you earlier. He's my boyfriend" you said,
He didn't give any response for a while still trying to process what you just said,
"OH, that's..great, y/n" he said sounding rather disappointed,
"How did you two meet?" He asked,
"Well, I met him at a party during our first year and we both became friends quick" you replied,
"You always did make friends easily" he said and looked down smirking,
"Anyway, how long have you been dating for?" He added,
"Not long, just a couple of months" you said,
"I'm starting to see you might have a type, y/n. Must be all those friends to lovers fanfics you read a concerning amount of" he said,
"Now that you've mentioned it, I guess I do. Also, if you talk about my fanfiction past I will murder you, I watch a hell lot of murder documentaries" you said and gave him a look,
"I'd like to live please" he said,
You both looked at eachother and burst out laughing.

Maybe the relationships that we view as a maze are just a labyrinth and all we need is to make it to the end of the tunnel to go back to how things were.

"Would you like to meet him sometime?" You asked, hesitantly,
"Yeah! I totally would." He replied,
"I need to know why my best friend's is happier than I've ever seen before" he added,
You roll your eyes playfully and say "don't say yes because you want to look mature. If it bothers you, you don't have to meet him" ,
"Hey, I'm genuinely happy for you. You were my best friend for years before we dated. I'd love to meet him" he said and smiled,
"Okay then Sunday it is, let's go for coffee, I'll text you the location" you said, excited,
"Alright" he said and fist bumped you.

You came back home and texted namjoon,
"Hey joonie, are you free?" You said,
You put your phone on the table and started getting undressed to go to bed and then you heard your phone buzzing, you picked it up and found namjoon video calling you,
You grabbed your shirt but smirked and threw it away,
You picked up the call.

"Hey, ba-, OOH you look so pretty" he said in an excited voice,
"Hehe, I know" you reply,
"If I knew you'd greet me like this I'd have just driven over to you" he said smiling,
"Shut up" you said, laughing,
"I need to talk to you about something" you said, sounding a little serious,
"Yeah, baby, tell me what it is, you okay?" he replied in a concerned voice,
"Yeah, I'm okay. Jungkook wants to meet you" you said,
"Meet me? Um, why?" He asked, confused,
"I suggested it. Actually I told him we're dating and asked if he'd want to meet you, I thought he'll say no but surprisingly he said yes" you say,
"Ohh, well, it's okay, I don't mind. I bet  he's a good dude" he said,
"He is, he helped me a lot when we were kids" you said,
"Aww" he said, pouting a little,
"Well, more the reasons to meet him then" he said, smiling.

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