uneventful meeting

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The three of you decided to meet the following Saturday. You were really hesitant about them meeting. Your mind kept spiraling to the worst case scenarios.

'What if this breaks mine and jungkook's friendship? I've just met him again after all, I don't want to lose him again' you thought.

After a long and exhausting week of college plus you overthinking, it was finally Saturday.

You got dressed and waited for namjoon to pick you up.

You finished doing your makeup you heard your phone buzz,
"I'm here" namjoon said.

You hung up and just before leaving the house you looked into the mirror and took a breath and nodded.

"Hey baby" namjoon said as he pulled you in for a kiss,
"You're gonna ruin my makeup!" You said holding yourself back,
He placed his hand on your thigh and looked into your eyes,
"Do you still care about that?" He said in a deep voice,
You lifted your gaze and looked into his eyes
"Fuck it" you said and kissed him.

You both pulled back after a minute and laughed,
"Can we go now?" You said whining,
"Yes, ma'am" he replied.

You reached the place y'all were supposed to meet. As you walked in you saw jungkook waving from his table,
"Hey y/n!" He said and pulled you into a hug,
"Heyy this is my boyfriend, Namjoon" you said as you were pulling out of the hug.

"So, you're the guy she never shuts up about" he said initiating one of those "half handshake-half hug" hugs,
"I sure am" namjoon replied, sounding just a tiny bit cocky.

"Sooo let's get eating, shall we? I'm starving" you said sitting yourself down and dramatically grabbing your stomach.

As you said that both namjoon and jungkook simultaneously grabbed the menu which resulted in an awkward eye contact,

Jungkook pulled back and let namjoon have it,
"Woah woah jungkook stop trying to steal my man what the hell"  you said jokingly,
"What? Wait no, no it's not like that its-" you cut off a very panicking jungkook,
"Hey I'm joking calm down" you reassured him,
He just fake chuckled and nodded.

You ordered your food but the whole time you noticed jungkook being a little uncomfortable and you wondered if this is because of namjoon.

After y'all ate the waiter, who was honestly a little too good looking to wait tables approached us and asked if we liked the food and if there was anything they could improve.

"Oh, it was amazing, Mr. Ji--min" namjoon said trying to read the waiter's name off of his badge.

You noticed jungkook ears turning red but you didn't understand why, it's not like namjoon did or said anything to hurt him.

You were pulled out from your train of thought by namjoon telling you y'all need to leave soon.

You looked at jungkook and smiled and he smiled back,
"We had a great time today we should do this more often" namjoon said to jungkook who just smiled and nodded.

In the car on the way back you were still lost in your thoughts and namjoon noticed that.

"What's wrong, baby?" He asked patting the back of your head,
"Nothing, it's just that jungkook seemed off, didn't he?"
"You think so?" Namjoon said, smirking,
"What was that for?" You asked, confused and slightly annoyed,
"I think it's best if you realise it on your own" he replied.

With that the conversation came to an end and you still felt confused.

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