confusing or concerning?

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You couldn't sleep that night as your mind kept running around in circles thinking of all possible reasons jungkook would act that way and why namjoon said that.

"Wait, are jungkook and namjoon together?!" You blurted out a thought only to realise how baseless and stupid it sounded.

Before you knew it you had fallen asleep.

You woke up to the sound of your alarm which said "visit jungkook's mom".

You rolled out of bed, still exhausted and got dressed hoping to not see jungkook for the time being because you feared the whole situation getting awkward.

But to your bad luck he was there when you reached there you found him sitting next to her bed.

"What are you doing here? Don't you have work to get to?" You asked him upon entering,
He quickly got up and walked up to you "oh y/n, I'm so sorry I forgot to text you, you don't have to come here anymore, I quit my job" he said trying his best to not make eye contact,
"You did what??!" You replied sounding a little too loud,
Jungkook grabbed your wrist and pulled you out of the room

Shh, she's sleeping" he said,
"But what happened?" You asked curiously,
"I arranged the money somehow and I don't have to work that other job now and you don't have to go through trouble for me" he replied.

You were curious as to how he got the money but thought it best to mind your own business.

You just smiled and nodded and said
"Well if you need anything you know I'm just a call away".

With that you left the hospital but since you didn't feel like meeting namjoon you decided to hang out with your friends since it has been quite a while since you hung out with them.

You texted in your group chat:
You: let's meet if y'all are free?
After a few minutes you got your responses
Taemin: y/n!! Definitely I'm on my way to our usual spot.
Hyuna: count me in too
Sunmi: me too!

Y'all decided to meet at your usual spot.

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