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*A/N: listen to "I shall believe" by Sheryl Crow. Have fun:]*

"You kept talking for hours and didn't notice it was almost 9pm.
"Wait wtf it's so late I got to go!" You panic,
"I don't think I've had such a nice time in a while" jungkook said smiling and reached out and held your hand.

You pull it back in a flash and say "jungkook, there's something you must know" but his phone started ringing and he motioned that it's important and went out.

You don't know if or how what you did would affect your relationship with namjoon. You suddenly remember that you haven't texted him back in hours.

You reached out your hand in your purse and find 10 missed calls from namjoon, you forgot to take your phone off silent after your class,
"Fuck" you mutter under your breath,
And check the texts he left
"Are you there?"
"Why aren't you lifting your calls?"
"Are you okay?"
"It's been 2 hours what happened?"
"That's it I'm driving to your hostel"
"I'm here and your roommate said you didn't come back yet"

Jungkook came back and sat in his seat again.

"So, y/-" he said but you cut him off,
"Hey I'm so sorry but I gotta go this is urgent" you say as you pick up your things and getting up from your seat,
"Do you want me to drive you back? I know your hostel" he said but you refuse and leave the place in a rush.

You come back to your hostel and find namjoon's car in front of it, you walk closer and find namjoon asleep on the road, his back against the car.

You feel really bad for making him so worried. You bend down and touch his shoulder and shake it slightly
"Baby, wake up, it's me" you said,
He woke up with a jolt and accidentally hit his head to the car,
"Ah-ouch, y/n, are you okay?" He said rubbing the back of his head and getting up,
"Yeah I am. I'm so sorry I couldn't text you back, I was caught in the middle of something. Ahh, I feel so bad for making you so worried, sorry" you said with a concerned face, your hands around his neck,
"It's okay. What happened though? Where were you?" He asked with a curious expression on his face.

You didn't know how to put it "I went out with my ex who's also my childhood best friend and he tried to flirt with me while I couldn't tell him I had a boyfriend" your mind went spiralling.
"Y/n?" Namjoon looked at you with his eyebrows raised,
"Huh?" You said,
"You zoned out" he added,
"Oh I'm sorry, let's just go to your place and I'll explain everything" you said and got into the car.

On the way to his house you think about how you could put what happened in the best possible way. But somewhere during your overthinking you remind yourself that namjoon is not an insecure person, that he is not jungkook and you don't have to worry about him getting mad at you for such a small thing.

You both reach his house, go inside, he makes some tea for the both of you and sits down next to you handing you your mug.

You take a deep breath and start telling him what happened, the text from a random number, who jungkook is, what happened to his mother and how you promised him that you'd take care of her every Tuesdays and Fridays. You didn't want to tell him the part where you couldn't tell jungkook that you have a boyfriend,
"I don't want to complicate things" you thought.

He sipped his tea, put the cup down and took a deep breath,
"That's really nice of you, y/n" he said and looked at you,
"See, I know isn't the ideal situation for you but I want you to know that you can trust me" you said placing your hand on top of his,
"Hey hey the only ideal situation for me is when you're happy" he said and held your hand,
"And I do trust you. I know your childhood didn't have many good memories and the fact that this is one of them makes me really happy. I'm here if you ever need any help. Okay?" He said and smiled.

You didn't know why but you started crying, maybe you were really afraid of how he'll take it or because you've never felt more loved,
"Namjoon I-" but you never finished that sentence and burrowed your head into his chest and started crying,
"There, there, it's okay I'm here, baby." He said caressing the back of your head.

A few minutes later you broke out of the hug and looked at him, he held your face in his hands and wiped away your tears,
"I was just really worried about how you'd react" you said,
"How dare thou talk to thou's ex. Thou is destined to be the bearer of my seed. Thou shan't betray me" he said in an atrocious British accent,
You burst out laughing and kiss him
"I love you so much" you said,
"I love you too" he replied.

"You said you're tired, right?"
"Mmhm" you said, nodding,
"Let me start a bubble bath for us I also probably have wine. Well, milk for you" he said and started getting everything ready.

It took a few minutes and he called out to you from the bathroom,
"Coming!" You replied.

He set up some candles and put on some music. You both get into the bath and sigh out of relief.

"This whole bathing together thing is becoming increasingly frequent, don't you think?" You said, laughing and picked up your glass of milk,
"I don't have an issue" he said also drinking from his glass,
"Of course you don't" you said.

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