toothpaste on your chin

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*A/N: okay so, this chapter is divided into two for the purpose of song recommendations. For this half listen to "where is dream by 10cm"*

You both broke out of the hug and the air turned awkward again.
To break the awkward silence namjoon invited you in
"Um so, do you want to come in?"
You wanted to say no because you had to go back to college but you instinctively said "yes".

You had been to namjoon's apartment before but for some reason your heart started beating really fast and your hands turned ice cold.

"Do you want some coffee?" Namjoon asks, you say yes;
"Come help me then, sloth" he teased you,
"What did you call me?" You say slightly annoyed,
"You look like a sloth when you're angry" he replied,
"Angry? Me? Why would I be angry?" You said trying your best seem calm,
Namjoon stopped what he was doing and put the cup of coffee down "I know you saw me with her" he said and paused for a moment "I understand that you're upset" he looked right into your eyes,
"Oh no! Does he know I like him and if he does, does this mean he likes me too?" You think to yourself,
"You have a reason to be mad" he continues, you think this is it, the moment he finally finds out,
"I mean you are my best friend, you stayed up all night when she broke my heart" he says,
You get really disappointed but try to maintain a straight face,
"Y-yeah! Obviously! What were you doing with her?" You say,
"She wants to get back with me" he said,
Every word he said made you want to shove your heart into a blender and make a smoothie out of it,
"What did you say?" You ask, your eyes locked on his face, your fingers crossed,
"I said no" he answered and turned his face towards yours, you hold back your sigh of relief.
"Hm, that's good" you said trying to act cool,
"Yep, anyway finish your coffee, don't you have a class to attend?" He said,
"Oh fuck, I gtg, see ya!" You say and quickly walk out of his apartment. You notice a smile on your face on your way back,
"Stop it, Y/N, stupid lil bitch" you said to yourself, still smiling.

After your classes were done you went back to your dorm and fell asleep.

*A/N: for this half listen to "your eyes tell" by BTS*

Around 12:30 in the night your phone starts ringing, you grunt in annoyance as you check your phone, you wake up in an instant and gasp when you check the name, it was namjoon calling you. Your brain started overthinking real quick, "what happened" "is he okay?" "Did I miss him off?" "Did he actually get back with her?" These thoughts started racing in your mind, you brush them off and pick up the phone,
"Hello..?" You said in a soft voice,
"Ah, Y/N, come down" he said, he sounded awfully energetic for a dude who's up at 12:30
"What? Why?"you ask,
"Don't ask questions just come!" He said with the same energy as before,
"Okay, okay, I'm coming, wait" you said as you hung up the phone to run towards your mirror and check yourself to see if you look human,
"Eh, this is the best I can do" you said and you ran downstairs and went outside to find namjoon standing in front of his car.
"Y/N!" He yelled in excitement,
You ran over to him and hit his arm "people are sleeping, stupid" you said
"Ah, ow, yeah okay sorry" he said rubbing the part you hit,
"Why are you here?" You ask,
"I'll show you but first close your eyes" he said and you did as he said,
"Okay open now" he said his voice sounded really high pitched like an excited school girl,
You opened your eyes and found him holding a gift in his hands,
"What's this?" You ask
"There's only one way to find out" he says and motions you to open the gift.

When you open it you find a book titled "a (realistic) guide to making bucket lists" you laugh reading the title and look up at him with puppy dog eyes,
"Namjoon" you said in a baby voice
"Come on, don't thank me I love hanging out in bookstores" he said giving you the brightest smile,
"I'll definitely read this as soon as possible, I should head back in now" you said as you turned around,
"Oh and one more thing" he said and turned around, he walked closer to you and put his palm against your cheek, your both faces were only inches apart, you almost closed your eyes because you thought he was gonna kiss you but just then he said
"You have toothpaste on your chin".

You seriously couldn't have been more furious but you just said "oh thanks!" And slapped his hand away.

You turned around again but namjoon grabbed your waist and turned it around, he held your face in his hands and got so close that your foreheads touched,
"Good thing you're not an acting major, you'd have been unemployed for the rest of your life" he whispered before slamming his lips onto yours and kissing them, you drop the book on the floor and he lifts you up and you tie your legs around his waist.

He carries you over to his car and sits you down on it and continues kissing you, his hands traveling from your back to your hair as he gently brushed it away to kiss your neck.

When you both finally pull away, he tucks your hair behind your ears and looks into your eyes,
"I've been trying really hard not to do this since three years "he said,
"But now it's done what are you going to do now" you whisper, your eyes closed and your forehead touching his,
"Gotta pay for it since you'll be going away soon" he said, you could hear the crack in his voice as if he's going to breakdown any moment now,
"Whatever happens happens, I'm here now" you say as you wrap your arms around his neck and pull him into a hug.

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