a cult?!

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*A/N: Today's song recommendation is *drumroll* "sweet" by cigarettes after sex. Have fun:]*

The alarm beeped when it hit 7am but you were up anyway.
You've been up all night because you couldn't believe what just happened.

You got out bed still dreaming in your head, put on your best outfit and looked majorly overdressed for a intro to microeconomics class but you didn't care.

You had put on your rose tinted glasses yesterday and there was no way in hell you were about to take them off anytime soon.

On your way to class you checked your phone hoping to see a text from namjoon but there was nothing, you were going to start mildly overthinking but realized it has not even been 24 hours since you both kissed so you just decide to concentrate on your class.

You finished your class and got out and checked your phone, again, no text from him, so you decide to text him yourself
"Hey joonie! Where are you?"
You sent that text around 11am but even after 2 hours there was no response.

You were concerned so you decided to go to his apartment to check on him.

You ring the bell but no one answers for a while, you were about to ring it again but you heard a voice from the other side,
"Just a second!" Namjoon said and opened the door.

He was in his sweatpants and had no shirt on. You remember that he doesn't sleep with a shirt on,
"Were you sleeping?" You ask,
"Yeah, sort of" he answered, namjoon was usually an early riser, so it was kind of weird that he slept in for so long,
"Is everything okay? Are you sick?" You said and as you were touching his forehead to check if he had a temperature,
He took your hand off of his forehead and intertwined his fingers with yours "I'm okay, Y/N. Come inside and talk" he said as he invited you in.

"You don't sleep this much like ever what happened?" You ask,
He brings a bottle of cold water from his fridge and hands it over to you.
"I wasn't able to sleep since like a week" he said as he sat next to you,
"My ex was constantly texting me plus everytime I was around you it took everything in me to stop myself from grabbing your face and kissing you" he continued as he put his arm around you to pull you closer and kissed you.

You giggle at his words and wriggle around to put your head on his chest while he caressed your back.

"Joonie?" You ask,
"Yes, Y/N" he answers
"You never really told me why you both exactly broke up" you say as you slightly got up to look at his face,
He sighed and looked at you "let's not make today about what happened, shall we? I don't want us to waste today by talking about yesterday. Is that okay, baby?" He said and smiled,
You smile back and nod "yes",
He kissed your forehead and hugged you again.

"So, it's our first day as two people dating what do you want to do?" He asked,
"OoO dating, hm, we can do the usual, you know, like rob a bank, use that money to buy an island, then create our own language, market it as a new age spiritual movement and start our own cult" you say and laugh,
He laughs and gets up from the couch
"Or you know I can" he said coming closer to you and lifted you in his arms
"carry you like this and throw you on my bed and make you watch the office with me while I keep distracting you by making out with you" he continued while walking towards his bed and you laugh say "that one's definitely more efficient".

You both cuddle together while watching the show.
"I'm so happy right now" you think to yourself and kiss him, he kisses you back and says "you have the prettiest eyes I've ever seen".

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