an overwhelming present

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*A/N: I'd love to give you a song recommendation but I couldn't think of one that fit this chapter, so, feel free to listen to anything. Thankyou:]*

You woke up from the sound of your alarm beeping, it was around 7 in the morning, you had a class at 10 so you mustered whatever willpower you had and got dressed.

You were about to head out but you saw the book on your table, after a lot of debate you decided to bring it along with you and leave it at his doorstep.

"This is a stupid idea" you think but head out with the book anyway.

You got really bored in class and decided to check your instagram; you were tapping through stories and stopped at a picture of the sky from the café's window that namjoon's ex put on her story along with a bunch of hearts.

You got really frustrated and slammed the phone on desk really aggressively.
Everyone including the teacher turned around to look at you.

"Is there a problem, miss?" The professor asked, you got really flustered and apologized for the inconvenience.

You say back down on your seat and sighed "Do I really get two bad days for a good one?" You whispered quietly.

The class finished and you didn't have another one till 4pm. You decided to go to namjoon's apartment to drop off the book. You figured he wouldn't be there as you saw his car in college.

You took a taxi and put on earphones to listen to sad songs while dramatically looking out of the window. You decided to play blue and grey by BTS.
"Y/N, this is only going make you sadder than you already are" you think but just let it play till you reach.

You arrive at namjoon's apartment and hesitantly placed the book at his doorstep. You got up from the floor to leave but as soon as you lifted your head the door opened, you froze as you were greeted by the sight of a shirtless namjoon.

"Namjoon!" You tell as you were covering your face with your hands
"Oh-oh Y/N what are you doing here?" He says nervously whilst trying to find the nearest piece of clothing to cover himself
"I-I was just here t-to.." you both finally made eye contact,
"DROP OFF YOUR PRESENT!" You say as you quickly picked up the book on the floor and pressed it to his chest,
"Hahaha okay then i-i'll be leaving, BYE!" you said awkwardly in a nervous tone,
You turned away and took your first step when you felt namjoon grab your  hand to pull you back.

He slightly pulled you back but you stumbled over his floor mat and landed in his arms, your faces only inches apart.

You notice him staring into your eyes and panic. You quickly got out of his hold and apologized.

He looks down to the floor to collect his thoughts and looks back up at you, his hands behind his neck "I-its okay, it's no big deal" he said with an awkward smile.

You notice the tension in the air and break it by saying "why did you pull me back?"
"Oh um well, don't you want to see me open your gift?" He said raising his eyebrows,
You thought it'll be best if you leave as soon as possible but you really wanted to see his reaction,
"Yep, yeah I do, it's nothing big but I hope you like it" you said with a nervous look on your face.

Namjoon noticed how nervous you were and said "whatever it is I'm sure it'll be perfect" with a smile.

He unwrapped his gift rather violently, tearing up all the wrapping paper which made your inner Asian mom extremely furious but you let it slide...this time.

After murdering the beautiful wrapping paper he looked at the book and read the title, he stopped for a second and just stared at the book, slowly a smile formed on his face and his eyes looked softer,
"You remember?" He said looking into your eyes,
"Of course I do" you reply.

Before you could say anything he slammed into you with a hug, you instinctively hugged him back,
"Thankyou, y/n, I really needed this" he said but his voice just went 4 octaves down.

You were a little confused at his overwhelmed response since it was only a book but you decided to hug him a little more before asking anything.

You noticed he was getting a little emotional so you decided to say
"I'm only doing this for the free soy milk, don't get too excited" in a sarcastic way,
He chuckles "okay okay" and just hugs you tighter and you do too.

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