soy milk?!?

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*A/N: For today's chapter my song recommendation is "a little bit more" by JINHO, Rothy, okay, have fun:]*

"Let's take a picture!" You say with the biggest smile.
Namjoon takes out his Polaroid from his bag.

(yes, he carries it everywhere, he's an indie boi who writes poetry and collects pretty wildflowers, well, atleast in my head)

He goes a little far to click a picture of you.
You notice what he is doing and pull him back by his arm,
"I want you to be in it" you say.
He smiles at you and nods.
You both take lots of pictures with the flowers, a lil too many since you loose track of time.

"Shit, joonie, it's almost sundown"
"Fuck, we should hurry" he replies,
"Hurry? We don't have anywhere to go" he gives you a look and says "don't want to miss the sunset, now do you?.

He motions you to get into the car and you do as he says.
"But where are we going?" You asked,
"You'll see" he says with a smug look on his face.

You both drive for 10 minutes and namjoon stops at a random bridge.

"If we find the new Ted Bundy I'm going to kill you" you say,
"Gosh, you're so dramatic" he laughs at what you said.
He opens your door and says "come on, we're going to miss it"

You quickly hop out of the car, he leads by the hand and brings you to the edge.

You could see the whole city, it looked so quiet from up here. All the houses looked like pretty fairy lights. The sky turned into the most beautiful shade of purple and the sun looked like it's right in front you.

Namjoon looks at you eagerly waiting for your response.
"I-I didn't even know this place existed" you said,
"Well, now you do" he replies.

You both stay quiet for a few minutes and enjoy the sunset. You were a bit hesitant about whether or not you should rest your head on his shoulder. He noticed you fidgeting and moved closer and motioned you to use his shoulder. You blush for a second but do as he says.

The sky was slowly turning dark blue and the air became chilly.

"I know you said you don't have a bucket list but do you really not have anything that you've always wanted to do?"
You could tell he was hesitating,
"Say noe"
"Um, okay, but promise me you'll not get into the logistics and ruin my dream" he says holding out his pinky finger,
You laugh and hold his pinky finger
"You know those really expensive artsy European restaurants where they serve wine as much as a year's worth of our tuition fees and food that we can't even pronounce, I've always wanted to own one of those. And wear those suits which scream "I'm cultured" while sipping on my whiskey and looking out of the window at the view of pretty buildings" he said with a satisfied sigh.
"But namjoon you're a science maj-"
"SSH, see this is why I didn't want to tell you" he pouts,
"Sorry sorry" you giggle at his face,
"But namjoon-ah you know I don't drink, right?"
"If you do decide to open a restaurant make sure it has chocolate soy milk incase I visit"
"Chocolate soy milk?" He laughs
"What? You can't do that much for me?" You whine
"Okay, okay I'll always have a carton of milk just in case" he said as he patted your head,

With that you decide to head back to your dorm since you had classes tomorrow.

"Y/N aren't you hungry? Let's eat something and go home"
You were about to say that you were getting late but decided against it since you wanted to give namjoon a treat for giving you the best day ever.
"Okay, my treat" you said.

You both head into the restaurant and quickly order some food.
"Thanks for today, I really needed this" you said smiling at him,
"Me too" he replied.

"Do you think we'll actually ever see each other after this year? I mean you're going off to grad school and I'm going to be moving somewhere else" he said, this hurt you, thinking about how close you both have gotten only for you both to drift apart again broke your heart;
You aggressively nod your head in disagreement "let's not think about that, let's use the time we have in our hands to the fullest, whatever happens, happens" you say.

He smiles softly at you "you're right, y/n" he laughs "as usual", you give him a cocky look.

Both of you finish your food and namjoon drops you to your dorm, just as you were about to leave he said "I'm really glad to be your friend" , you got a little disappointed but just smiled instead and said "me too"

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