coffee and books

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*A/N: This is a chill one. Listen to "teenage blue" by dreamgirl for this. Have fun:]*

You woke up and stretched your hand out to touch namjoon but there was no one there. You opened your eyes and got out of the bed to sit up straight. You take namjoon's shirt that was lying on the chair next you and put it on and got out of bed.

You stretch a little and look out of the window. It was a calm, rainy Sunday morning. You walk out of the room and hear a noise from the kitchen. You walk in the kitchen to find namjoon making coffee but instead of saying anything you just lean against the doorframe and admire how gorgeous he is when the sun shines on his bare skin.

"Stop staring, perv" he said still away from your face brewing the coffee carefully.

You blush and little and quickly go and give him a back hug. You place your chin in the crook of his neck while standing on your toes.
"Smells nice" you commented,
"It'll taste even better" he replied,
"Are you describing you or the coffee?" You said winking at him,
He laughed and turned around to kiss you.

He filled two cups with coffee and handed one over to you and kissed your forehead. You smile and look into eyes and say "thankyou, baby".

You both get comfortable on the couch in his balcony, one of his arms wrapped around your waist while you lean against him and sip your coffee listening to the pitter patter of the rain drops crashing against the roof.
"This is so calming" he said,
"I totally agree" you replied,
"So, do you have any plans for today?" He asked,
"I wanted to buy some groceries but that's off the list since it's raining so, no I don't have any plans. Do you?" You answer,
"I was just thinking isn't it the perfect day to read" he said and looked at you,
You eyes widen and you nod excitedly "yes, it is" you agree.

You finish your coffees and head back inside. You walk up to namjoon's book shelf to find a book to read,
"What do I read? Should I read that one? Or this one? Oh I've read this! Oh I hate that" you kept murmuring to yourself and realised namjoon was completely quite, you turn around and caught namjoon staring at you,
"What are you doing?" You asked folding your hands and leaning against the book shelf,
"You look really cute in that shirt" he said and walked closer to you,
You tried not to blush and said "hm, I know" and took "Norwegian wood" from the book shelf and walked back to the balcony's sofa,
He soon followed with a copy of "1984".

He sat next to you at first but soon moved to put his head in your lap.
You kept caressing his hair while reading your book.

More than two hours passed and you both got tired of reading but the rain still didn't stop. You put your books away and namjoon gets up from your lap and pulls you in a hug,
"I gotta shower" you said,
"You know an average person wastes around 24 gallons of water on a shower" he replied to you,
"What are you saying?" You said looking confused,
He breaks out of the hug and stands up "what I'm trying to say is" he said and picked you up bridal style
"Let's save the planet by showering together" he continued excitedly.

You laugh and kiss his cheek and say
"Oh to have an environmentally conscious boyfriend".

You both get undressed and enter the shower and he turns on the hot water.
You both were naked but it didn't feel like it did yesterday, there was nothing sexual about it today. It just felt peaceful standing there under the hot water kissing his lips and touching his forehead to yours with your hands wrapped around his neck and his hands around your waist.

You always felt as though you lived your life on auto pilot, just passing from one day to the next not feeling anything much but in that moment you felt real, like you exist. Touching his skin and feeling his breath against yours, you felt alive.

No matter where you both go and what your future holds you knew this moment will be etched to your soul like a childhood home.

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