Sail off without a map

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*A/N: for this chapter listen to "Tears" by wolf club. This one's a cute one, hope you enjoy, have a good day or night:]*

*back to the present day*

"Thanks for listening, Joon" you said as he was driving you back to your dorm.
"Ah, don't mention it, it's always nice spending time with you" he replies to you. This kind of makes you blush.

"Hm, namjoon?"
"Yes, y/n"
"Do you have a bucket list?" You ask, he giggles and thinks about it, you always found it cute when he got into his "thinking mode", his eyebrow would furrow, his lil nose scrunch would cause his mouth to pout like a little child.

"Oh wow, I've never really made one damn" he answers,
"Tsk, okay" you reply.

"Do you?" He asks, looking over to your side for a few seconds before placing his eyes back on the road.
"Do I have a bucket list?"
"Yup" he says,
"Yes, I do ^~^" you say, he looks at your reaction and smiles.

"Uhuh, tell me one wish then" namjoon says,
"Um well" you think about it for a min and finally say "ever since I was a kid I loved to read stories where the protagonist would suddenly take a detour and travel the world without a plan, I mean I don't want to travel the world without a plan, my control freak alter ego would kill me but atleast one day when I'm going to work I just want to take a U-turn and drive without knowing where to go, sail off without a map, get it?"

Just as you finished your sentence namjoon said "better hold on to your seat", you were about to say something but he cut you off by taking a really fast sudden U-turn.
If the coffee at cafe didn't wake you up this definitely did.

"N-NAMJOON WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?" you tell while looking at him with wide open eyes.

He looks over at you "don't worry I'm not kidnapping you, I'm just sailing off without a map, you see" he smirks.

It took a minute to process but once you finally got back to your senses you say "damn joonie you're slowly making this the best day ever"
He smiles and says "of course, what are friends for?"

You smiled back but deep down you knew it hurt, everytime it felt like you guys have come close he just pushes you far away, or maybe you both do.

"It's so scary, being in love" you think to yourself.

Namjoon comes to your rescue as soon as you start your downward spiral and cuts your train of thought by saying "OH, y/n! Look over there" he pointed towards your side of the window; you looked over to find hundreds of sunflowers in the field.

"OMG, NAMJOON, PULL OVER, NOW" you say excitedly. He listens to you and parks his car near the field.

You both come out of the car and run towards the field.

"This is so pretty!!" you say UwUing real hard.
He stops for a second and gets lost looking at how happy such small things can make you, he looks at your smile and says "It is pretty".

*This is it for this chapter:( are you excited for the next one? OoO*

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