Lost hoodie

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*A/N: this chapter is kind of shirt sorry:(. Anyway the song recommendation is "you might be sleeping" by Jacob Ogawa and Clario. Hope you like it:]*

Today was the day of your double date.

You texted hobi yesterday to ask him if he liked the idea,
"Hey hobi!"
"Hey y/n, what's up?"
"I was wondering if you'd like to come on a double dat-"
"It all happened rather fast so I didn't have the chance to tell you, sorry" you said in a small voice,
"It's namjoon, isn't it?" He said and you could hear the smirk he had plastered on his face through the phone.
"You know me so well" you said kind of blushing,
"So you in or nah?" You asked
"Hell yeah we're in, yoongles is gonna be so happy when I'll tell him about you two" he said being the loud hoseok that he is,
"Hehe and also bring your bullet journal and stationery plis" you said,
"Yes! Definitely!"
"See ya hobi!"
"See ya!"
And then you hang up.

You had only one class today at 10am so you wake up and check the time; it was 8:15am and you decide to get out of bed and take a shower.

On your way to the shower you grab a towel and your phone to play music.
You switch your phone on to go to Spotify but you get a text, you open it and it was a voice message from namjoon,
"Good morning baby, I'm so excited to meet you today. I know we only met yesterday but I already miss you" he said in his half asleep, half awake raspy morning voice.

You feel the butterflies in your stomach and blush.

You finish getting ready and head to your class. It was pretty interesting unlike your past love life but you had a doubt in a certain topic and decide to ask namjoon, after all what's the use of having a nerd boyfriend.

You finish your class and head back to the dorm to get changed into something a little cuter. You pick out all the clothes in your closet one by one only to toss it on the bed because you didn't like it. While digging into your closet to find something cute, you find an old hoodie that you haven't seen in like two years, you pull out and remember whose it is.

When namjoon and you were first friends he'd come over to your to dorm and you both would study together. One day the A/C in your room broke so it got really hot and namjoon had come over. He couldn't bear it anymore so you lent him one of your really oversized t-shirts and threw his hoodie into the washing machine. But after that you both forgot about it and it's been in your closet ever since then.

You put it on and wear some jeans under, "it's mine now and so is he, hehe" you think to yourself while smiling at the mirror. You quickly put on some makeup and go downstairs to find namjoon waiting for you buy his car.

You hugged him really tight when you met him and so did he.
He pulled away for a second and looked at your hoodie,
"Isn't this mine?" He said with a confused face,
"It sure is" you replied raising your eyebrows,
"Damn stalker, I thought I lost it"
"Who you calling a stalker, baby? You're always in a 500 m radius of mine" you said in a cocky voice,
"You look really cute" he said grabbing your waist and pulling you closer, you kiss him and say "my compliments to the chef",
He looks down and bursts out laughing and so do you,
"That's one way to ask if you can meet my parents" he managed to say in between his laughs,
"Uh, well, you know, I've always been somewhat of a genius" you replied,
" I think I'll have some more, say thanks to your parents from me" you said and kissed him again.

You both kept making out for a while till you realise he ate all of your lipstick and break out of the kiss,
"We need to leave, baby. And I need to put on my lipstick again" you said getting into the car door that he opened.

"I'm really excited, I even got a brand new notebook, hopefully I don't destroy this" he said as he put his seat belt on,
"Don't worry this time I'm here" you said smiling at him.

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