an unexpected call

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It was just another ordinary day at college. You and namjoon made up plans to study at his place after you finish your classes. You finished three classes and it was around 3pm. You only had one more and then you were free. You were on your way to the library to pick up some books but you heard your phone beep. When you checked who it was you gasped and stopped walking. It was from a random number but you recognized it right away.

"Hey y/n, can we meet?" The text said,
You think it over a million times, you think about what the fuck happened that jungkook texted you after almost an year. You think about telling this to namjoon but something in you tells you it's a bad idea. Ignoring all the thoughts in your head you decide to meet him after all.

You and jungkook have been friends for as long as you can remember. You lived across from eachother, attended the same high school and even went to the same kindergarten. You've always had a special place for him in your heart. But as you both grew up he started developing feelings for you and you didn't know what having feelings truly meant. So, you both started dating but you were always distant. You guys were still very close but you couldn't see him as anyone but your best friend. This caused constant arguments and fights, the sound of slamming doors became more common than a hug. You both eventually decided that you couldn't keep doing this and broke up.

It was a hard time for the both of you to move on since you both didn't just lose a partner but also a best friend.

"What's the worst that can happen?" You thought and pressed send on the text that said "Okay".

You text namjoon that you can't make it today as something came up. He asks you what happened but before you were able to text back you get interrupted by a call.

"Y/n" jungkook said,
You felt a sudden jolt of pain in your chest,
"Yeah, I'm on the way" you say and hang up.

You reached the restaurant he asked you meet at. You search through the crowd of people and spot him with his hand raised. You walk towards his direction. You're more nervous than you anticipated you would be but you keep a straight face. He gets up to give you a hug but it just ends up feeling really awkward.

"So, how have you been, y/n?" Jungkook asked looking into your eyes hesitantly,
"Jungkook, I think we're better than a pointless small talk, aren't we?" You replied and sighed,
"Yeah sorry about that I didn't know how else to start the conversation" he mumbled rubbing the back of his neck,
"So, why did you text me all of a sudden?" You asked picking up the glass of water in front of you and taking a sip,
You saw him fidgeting with his fingers like he always does and you instinctively hold it to calm him down,
He looks up at you instantly and you pull your hand back,
"Sorry, force of habit" you said,
"Thankyou" he replied and smiled.

"The reason I called you was, and I feel really selfish for doing this but I had no one else to go to. I hope you understand" he continued,
"It's alright. Tell me what happened?" You say in a comforting voice,
"My mom isn't doing well. If I'm being honest she's not doing good at all. I-" he said, his words trailing off into the oblivion and his eyes tearing up,
"Hey hey it's okay jungoo" you tried comforting him and placed your hand on his shoulder,
He clutched your hand and started sobbing a little more, you just sit there looking at him with concerned eyes waiting for him to finish sobbing.

After a minute he calmed down and apologized, you tell him that's it's okay and for him to continue.

"You know how dad left when I was young. My mom is all I have and with my college and part time job I'm not able to make sure that she's okay and I really need this part time to support myself as all the insurance money is going to her care" he said sounding normal again,
You nod your head and your face drops "is there something I can do to help?" You ask,
"Yeah actually and I hope it's not too much for you, please tell me if it is. I can't visit the hospital on Tuesdays and Fridays because I work overtime so could you be there with her during that time. She always loved having you around as a kid. I'm sure she'll appreciate it" he replied,
You don't even think about it twice and agree "yes I will, don't worry about it".

Jungkook's mom was always nice to you. She would cook food for you, do your hair, help you with your homework. She always had a smile on her face the kind of smile that contrasted with the sadness in her eyes. You didn't think about namjoon or college or anything, you knew this is what you had to do.

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