Make Me

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*A/N: *smut warning* listen to the ✨ ICONIC ✨ house of cards by BTS for this or you could listen to "Hell in heaven" by TWICE, upto you.
Also to my very supportive family members who read this PLEASE FOR THE LOVE GOD DONT FUCKIN READ THIS AND GIVE ME ANOTHER REASON TO KILL MYSELF. Anyway, have fun;)*

He was driving you back to your dorm but midway you said "let's go to your place" sounding a bit flustered.

Namjoon turned around to look at you, smiled and looked back on the road,
"So, this is how you're going to make your "I love you" sound not so boring" he said teasing you,
"Shut up. I just wa-wanna watch a movie. Don't get your hopes up" you said trying your best to sound serious,
"Oh "a movie" huh, that's what you call it" he replied,
"I don't know what you're talking about" you said looking out of the window to avoid eye contact,
He just looked at you and chuckled and drove to his place.

You both got inside the house. You go and plop yourself down on the sofa.

"So, what kind of "movie" are we watching?" He said curling two fingers of both of his hands and sat down next to you,
"Why are you doing that with your hands?" You said,
He held the back of your head in his palm and caressed your hair and chuckled at you,
"I know you're nervous, baby. You're a terrible actor and an even more terrible liar" he said and pulled you closer to kiss your forehead.

He pulls away and says "we don't have to do it if you're not completely sure about it" and pulls you in a hug.

You hug him back and say "I like that one

with BDSM" he immediately breaks the hug and looks at you shocked, you look back at him and laugh "look at your face" you said while laughing,
"Y/n, you can't just say that and expect me not to react" he said also laughing,
"Uhuh, how about no talking then" you said and pressed your lips against his, he kissed you back harder, his arms wrapping around you. You climb on top of him and continue kissing him, he pulls away to get some air "let's take this to the bedroom, shall we?" He said holding your waist,
"Okay then you grab this end of the sofa and I'll grab the other one" you said because you use humour as a coping mechanism when you're nervous,
"Y/n, you know I absolutely love that you're really funny but please no" he said bursting out laughing,
"Okay okay sorry." You said and continued kissing him.

He lifted you up in his arms while youwrapped your legs around his waist and carried you to his bedroom
"Gosh you're so fuckin beautiful" he said before throwing you on the bed, you check him out up and down while he takes off his shirt and gets on top of you.

He tries to kiss you but keep turning your head away, smirking while teasing him, he grabs the back of your head to make you look at him "aren't you a brat" he said in a voice that's deeper than his usual.

You trace your hands from namjoon's neck to his chest to his abs and all the way to the bottom. You stroke his dick all the while not breaking eye contact and say "and if I am?".

You push him to the side so that you can get on top of him, he seemed a little surprised because he didn't expect you to say yes to doing it let alone be dominating, "is that you blushing I see, Mr. Kim Namjoon" you smile and kiss him on the lips and slowly slide down kissing his neck then his abs and unbuckling his pants.

He helps you take them off and now he was completely naked, you held is already hard dick in your hand and say "oOO someone's excited" and give him a smirk,
"Shut up, y/-" he grunted but you cut him off by licking the tip of his dick,
You keep doing that and kissing him everywhere but his dick,
"Quit being such a fuckin tease, y/n" he grunted in annoyance,
You looked into his eyes and said "make me".

He grabbed your waist and pulled you under him "my turn, baby" he whispered while putting his thumb in your mouth and bent down to kissed you. He kissed you so good that you almost let out a moan. He helped you take off your dress and undressed you completely. You felt very vulnerable lying naked under him but it excited you more than it scared you.

He kissed you again and noticed you getting impatient for him. He kissed your neck and probably left a few a hickeys on his way down and started eating you out. You start moaning and moving around but his firm grip keeps your hips in place.

Just when you were about to climax he stops and gets up, you open and your eyes and manage to let out a few words between your breaths "wh-why'd you stop?" You whined,
"You think only you can be a tease?" He smirked at you and started rubbing his tip of his dick up and down your clit.

"Namjoon" you whined louder,
"Say you want me to fuck you" he grunted,
His dominant grunt scared you but made you just as wet.

"F-Fuck me, baby" you said getting up to reach his face,
He kissed you and threw you back on the bed and inserted himself into you,
"Oh my god" you moaned,
He kept thrusting in you hard, going deeper and deeper each time,
"I love you so much, baby" he said between his moans,
"I love you too" you replied.

You kept fucking and gradually kept getting louder.
"Fuck, y/n, I'm gonna come" he said,
"Me too!" You replied

You came first and namjoon asked,
"Where do you want me to come?"
"Oh, you know where" you replied smirking.

He pulled out of you and came in your mouth, you swallowed.  Then you both fell on the bed, tired.

"Damn, y/n, I didn't think you'd swallow" he said,
"Spitters are quitters, baby" you replied and looked at him,
You both burst out laughing,
"My neighbors are gonna hate me" he said and pulled you into his arms.

You held his face in your palm and stroked his cheek, admiring him,
"I hope you know how special this was for me, y/n" he said looking into your eyes,
"I do. And I hope you know how much you mean you to me" you replied still stroking his cheek,
"I love you, y/n"
"I love you too, namjoon".

You both fell asleep in eachother's arms and then it was lights out.

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