A Calm Walk

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*A/N: I'm so excited for today's song recommendations as it's by one of my all time favourite artists. It's "luck pusher" by FINNEAS. Hope you like this:]*

It was the next day, you decide if you were going to go to grad school, you needed to get your shit together. Thoughts of namjoon appeared from time to time but you did you best to shove it as far down as possible.

You got out of bed, took a shower, did your hair and makeup and took a deep breath before heading out.

You headed to your class, you were early so you decided to go through your phone for a while, as you were scrolling you got a text from namjoon,
"Sending you pictures of these Polaroids before I accidentally lose them"
He sent you the pictures that you both took yesterday, you chuckle thinking about how clumsy he gets, "thankgod I have these before he eventually loses them" you think to yourself.

Even though looking at them hurt you, you were grateful to have these memories with you.

Soon everyone entered the class and you put your phone away to concentrate.

It was around 5pm and you finally got done with your classes.
You decided to take a walk and probably grab ice cream on your way back.

It was a lovely evening, the sky was beautiful as usual, you smile to yourself thinking about what you were doing at this time yesterday, "maybe I should do something nice for him" you think to yourself.

After a while of contemplating and overthinking you decide to buy him a book.

You walk into the closest bookstore and go over all the books, suddenly a book on the top shelf caught your attention, it was titled "start up your restaurant", you flipped through the pages and got really excited to give him this.

"He's going to love this" you think to yourself and a huge smile appears on your face.

You pay for the book and as the owner to gift wrap it. You take the present and head out.

You wanted to go to the coffee shop you both went to yesterday, just as you walked in your eyes fell on the seat you both sat in near the window.

You saw someone sitting there, they seemed awfully similar, when you walked closer you realized it's namjoon and his ex girlfriend.

You locked eyes with namjoon for a split second before walking out of there as fast as you could.

Even though you were running away you still hoped he would chase you, you still hoped he wanted you enough to come for you.

You turn around but there wasn't anyone. "What was I even expecting" you think to yourself.

You felt a drop of tear fall on your cheek, you let it fall. You let them all fall like your hopeless expectations.

You walk back to your dorm, every step felt like you were trying to walk through quick sand, no matter how much you were trying to move forward you just kept sinking deeper and deeper.

You threw yourself on the bed and didn't even bother to take your clothes off.
"Maybe I'm just overthinking, what if they were just talking"
"But why would they even want to talk after such a bad breakup"
"What if namjoon still has feelings for her?"
"Even if he doesn't, where does that leave you?"

You brain couldn't stop thinking about everything. With each thought you were only complicating your already complicated maze.

*A/n: this one's kind of sad I know
:( but don't worry, it's going to be okay:)*

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