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"Baby let me pick out your outfit for tonight". Lisa says softly amd walks over to the dresser pulling out a skirt, one of Lisa's sweaters, and a collar.

Jennie looks at the skirt and collar with wide eyes and blushes.

"You want me to wear that in front of all your friends?" Jennie ask only  to wear it for her Lisa.

"Yes baby. I get to decide what I want you to wear. No arguments. Please get ready, we are going to be late".

Je nie nods and walks over to one of the drawers grabbing a pair of underwear but Lisa stops her.

"I would have pulled them out if I wanted you to wear them". Lisa seriously said.

"Don't make me tell you to get ready again please".

Jennie's cheeks grow a darker red and she undresses from her comfy clothes, sliding on the skirt and sweater, then clipping on the collar.

After they were both ready, they got in the car and made their way to their friends house for a small gathering. Lisa rests her hand on Jennie's thigh mid through the drive causing Jennie to glance over.

Lisa slips up her hand under Jennie's skirt  and presses her long fingers against Jennie, receiving a small whine.

Lisa slowly start to tease her pretty baby and soon enough the dumb mutt was rutting against her hand for more friction.

More whines and whimpers left Jennie's mouth as she grew needier.

"Whats wrong baby..? Are you okay..?", Lisa asks as she moves her hand away and looks at her kitty with concern.

"N-no d-daddy come back please....", Jennie whines out and reaches for Lisa's hand again. Lisa swats it away as she parks the car.

"I don't know what you are talking bout, my love. Are you imaging again?" Lisa shakes her head and leans over pressing a kiss to the side of Jennie's head.

"My silly kitty, huh?", Lisa grabs the loop in Jen's collar and pull her over, gently pressing a kiss to her lips.

"Pull yourself together my love. Our friends don't need to see how much of a pathetic mess you are for me right now".

JENLISA/G!P/IMAGINES Where stories live. Discover now