and i opp | part 2

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Lisa: *thinking to herself while plugging her earphones back in*

Hmm that's very odd. I couldn't understand Jennie's weird behaviour. Jennie would never talk to herself in such weird language her body currently spoke to me. She was blushing like hell behind her smile.

What is she hiding from me?

I hope it's not from our drunk sex not long ago.


Jennie was sleeping peacefully in her room already. It was shortly after 9.30 PM and Lisa decided to quickly catch by and go after her curiosity that kept her off after the weird conversation with Jennie.

Lisa: Hey Unn-...

Lisa's breath choked up once she put herself in the room to see a revealed naked Jennie, bareback facing her. She was in deep slumber.

Lisa: Holy. Fucking. Cow.

The tall one uttered under her breath, as she was watching the way Jennie was so deep in her sleep, she has completely forgotten she had made her up to her bed, sitting next to her and admire the small brunette.

Lisa's hand was running along her flawless skin leaving Jennie a trail of goosebumps. Watching the way her body reacts to Lisa's touch, Lisa without being aware this was real her hand started to graze her pebbled nipple before gently pinching it as Jennie started to moan out into the room turning onto her back and spreading their legs causing Lisa to smile.

Jennie blushed and locked her eyes with Lisa's lustful ones.

Lisa understood the assignment and began to lean down to whisper into Jennie's ear.

Lisa: Even asleep you want me to touch you. Poor baby is all horny for me.

Lisa ran her hand down to smaller ones exposed pussy. She spotted the wet patch forming between Jen's lips, as her fingers run across the wet patch grazing her clit to make her whimper.

Lisa: Not yet baby. Let me have my fun before I ruin you.

Jennie let out small cries of Lisa's tease.

Lisa: What, you think a little crying is going to make me stop? If anything, sweetie, it makes me want to overstimulate you more. You were so desperate to show me who's boss, telling me that you were going to ride my dick and how there was nothing I could do about it. here you are though, my hands on your hips the only thing holding you up. What happened to all that gusto sweetheart? Maybe I fucked it out of you, hmm? Stop wiping your face. If you want me to stop that badly you're going to have to give me a bit more than some tears. No, I'm going to keep making you cum until you're sobbing, until screaming because of how sensitive I've made you.

Jennie was ready to toughen up and make Lisa see she can wear the pants as soon as she opened her mouth Lisa's length already slid perfectly into her without realising it.

Jennie: Ah fuck yes... fuck me... ruin me Lisa..

Jennie: I need to feel that throbbing cock, slowly fill up my tiny little hole.

Jennie: Please for the love of god touch me like I'm a toy; like you're just pressing my buttons. Show me how my clit is simply the button you use to shut my brain off. How my throat is the one you grab to make me stick out my tongue, cross my eyes, and drool. Slap my tits and I'll automatically lift my shirt for you so you can see them better, because I'm just programmed to please you— because my body is designed in a way that lets you force me to obey, made of buttons only you know how to press.

And what happened then next is up to you...

JENLISA/G!P/IMAGINES Where stories live. Discover now