Kissing 💋

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Kissing is so underrated. Imagine Lisa making Jennie whine and beg like a little good slut with only wet and slow kisses, when Jennie can't stop touching Lisa and then begin grinding against her thigh all while soaking up every moan and whimper Jennie let out against Lisa's plump lips.

"Daddy, not right now.. I'm shy.."

Jennie whines once she felt Lisa's fingers between her legs, that strong hand forcibly prying between Jennie's thighs to reach her crotch.

"We both know you want to, beautiful", Lisa only smirks against her ear.

Lisa's other hand reaches for one of the brunettes thighs, gripping and forcing them to stay open with minimal effort, before Lisa slipped her fingers past Jennie's underwear. And despite Jen's squirming and whimpers, Lisa pushes her fingers inside her.

"Come on, sweetheart, say it", Lisa continue to taunt the whining baby as she began to thrust her digits.

"Say you want daddy to fuck you.." Lisa rasped and did not start slow or gentle. Her long fingers pushed fast and deep, penetrating Jennie's cunt roughly.

It had the brunette wailing within seconds, desperately scratching on Lisa's wrist in attempt to pull her hand out. Yet she was unsuccessful, left with no choice but cry and whimper as Lisa violated her.

Eventually, Jennie leans and hides against Lisa's neck.

Jen's body settles against her frame, Jennie's nails stopped scratching her wrists and her whimpers of 'no' turned into little moans. "d-daddy, please, fuck me.."

Words finally spoken in a tiny, weak voice, and Lisa smirks in triumph.

"Cum and I will, angel".

JENLISA/G!P/IMAGINES Where stories live. Discover now