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jennie watched with eager anticipation as lisa approached slowly, her hulking frame practically casting a shadow over all of jennie's and the chair. she looked at the monster's perfect body—slender but dominant and, of course, that monstrous cock. really, once jennie had gotten used to the fact that lisa had a
stunning -shaped face (as always) at cozy nights and a cock, it was just a woman, albeit an incredibly sexy woman.

lisa got down in front of jennie and began roaming around jennie's body. feeling the eyes of the younger sent jennie into excited shakes, as she began waiting for the women  to reach between her legs to touch her. it started at her ankles, worked up to the knees, then the thighs... then, as if aware it would be teasing her, went to her neck and licked gently. jennie scrunched her neck, but the sensation still felt more powerful than human tongue given how much area it could cover. it then did the same for her breasts, causing jennie toss her head back. she instinctively tried to reach up and grab lisa's head, but the restraints had been tied too well.

then it went to her stomach, and finally, it got down to her pussy and jennie braced. just the anticipation alone was getting her off.

"oh, god, lisa, just do it. just do your worst."

the younger sniffed for many more seconds, and then let out a mix of prideful moan out and arousal. she then licked her pussy and jennie let out a loud cry. lisa's tongue, too, had expanded, and there wasn't an area on her pussy it couldn't hit.

"oh, you motherfucker!" she cried out.

again, she tried to wrap her legs around lisa , but lisa knew what she was doing. the ropes had tied her down. she was truly bonded up with the girl.


lisa licked for many more seconds, and jennie thrashed around in the chair. the chair even shuffled a few times, but by and large, she remained motionless, within the confines of the chair, only able to adjust by inches.

she thought about how, yes, maybe this was in fact worth keeping around. when lisa had first told her she has a dick since forever, it seemed ludicrous—how couldn't she ever notice that?

but if lisa did exactly what she needed it to, what did it matter? the girl wasn't a real guy—this wasn't transsexuality— it was intersexuality (futa/futanari) and she could still sense lisa's presence in the girl—and soon, in her. lisa met her needs and wants, and that's all one could ever ask for in a relationship of any kind.

so, maybe she would follow lisa. besides, she thought, she'd understand a lot better than any other new girlfriends who didn't have background with lisa.

the red haired girl then hit a particularly sensitive spot within her and she arched forward, crying out in ecstasy.


she couldn't take it anymore. she had to have it rougher, harder.

"i want that dick in me, so bad, so fucking bad," she said.

lisa, who was mid-lick, pulled back slowly. she then stood up on her knees and put her dick in front of jennie. jennie tried moving her arms, but kept forgetting about the wraps. instead, she opened her mouth, and lisa fucked her mouth. she slid in and out, sliding, trying to be careful not to choke jennie—but with so much girth and length, it became inevitable and it happened a couple of times.

"mmmfuummmm," she said.

the girl seemed to enjoy this especially much, letting out high pitched squirms and cries.

finally, jennie pulled her mouth back. she had enjoyed seeing lisa getting off, but without control of the situation, she worried she might jam too far.

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