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the two of them arrived at the house about seven minutes later and lisa parked on the side of the street. jennie walked into the house first, waiting in the hallway. she had to make sure everything was set up properly at her kitchen table. tape, check. rope, check. she was all set to go.

lisa walked in a few moments later and looked around at the entrance.

"oh wow, nice house," she said.

she looked down and saw jennie approaching. she had on a determined, daring smile on her face. lisa knew what was about to happen, but it didn't prevent her from feeling like a kid in first grade about to have her first kiss. she wrapped her arms around her neck and in one swift motion pressed her face against her. tongues went down each other's throats soon, and gasps began coming out quickly. jennie could barely form words, barely gasping out "oh, god, lisa." lisa's hands went to her ass, and when jennie rubbed her hand down lisa's crotch, she groaned. she began pushing her towards the stairs and jennie had to guide her.

"kitchen, lisa, kitchen," she said.

lisa looked at her for a second of confusion, but then decided weird sex was better than no sex. she resumed groping and making out, then at one point going for her neck. jennie crunched her neck up, it felt so good. hopefully, she thought, hickeys disappeared before class. otherwise, some fancy hair work was going to be needed.

they got to the kitchen and lisa pushed her onto the kitchen table. utensils fell off and clanked on the floor, but jennie didn't care. it sounded so much hotter, adding to the rough factor. lisa reached up and began removing her blouse. jennie smiled when she saw her body. slender and perfect.

she reached down and pulled off her blouse and lowered it. jennie stood up for a second and let the blouse fall, continuing unbotting her jeans, leaving her in just her underwear, topless. lisa let out a smile, and then they resumed french kissing again. when jennie ran her hands across her back, though, she noticed something particularly odd-did she always wore boxers? or was she just going crazy?

"you often wear boxers, don't you?" she said.

lisa pulled back, a sudden look of concern on her face.

"i didn't mean-" she said, suddenly worried that she had hit on too sensitive a spot.

"no," she said. "no, you're fine. jennie, i need to know now, what were you planning to do?"

jennie looked at her worried. this was not how she hoped things would go. she looked over at the countertop with the ropes and electric tape.

"i, well, i wanted you to tie me to the kitchen chair and do some filthy things to me."

lisa looked over and smiled, but then her look of concern reappeared. she gained composure, and looked at jennie with a serious look.

"ok, jennie, you know how i said something had changed but i didn't want to say what at the restaurant? well, this is it." lisa pulled her boxers down, showing jennie her full erect member standing proudly up. "but anyways we need to get you tied up now."

jennie's mind immediately raced to the possibilities. what the hell was going on? what did this mean for her?


"ok, i-, sorry, ok," she said, stammering over her words.

lisa put her hand on her arm. jennie could see her dick twitching from the left to the right due the pain of arousal.

"you also need to know, i'm still female. but trust me. you'll like it."

well, jennie thought, if i was going to bring back a woman i hadn't seen in five years back to my place for bondage sex, what's just taking it to another level gonna do? what difference would it make? she acquiesced and smiled, doing her best to go along with it.

she then slipped off her underwear and let lisa tie her with electric tape-the kind that would not peel hair off in the process-and ropes. her hands went behind her back, behind the chair, forcing her breasts forward. her legs were spread apart and tied down at the side of the chair. all the while, her member began growing on lisa, and her voice progressively got deeper and deeper. when she was done, jennie looked into her eyes with a daring smile. she tried to force herself from the chair-she could not. she could only kick her legs slightly out to the side, and even that was by only a few inches. she was, for all intents and purposes, lisa's to play with.

"what are you going to do to me, you... uhh, sexy women you," she said, laughing.

lisa had a very raw look that said it wanted something very badly .

jennie realized that her cock was as thick as a redwood tree trunk, and long enough to easily fill up not just her pussy but her entire innerness as well.

so, she thought, i guess in a way, lisa did get enlargement. she looked up into the creature's eyes, and she noticed something she had not expected.

she was horny as hell, wetter than a just-broken dam, and wanted the monster to ravage her.

"come fuck me, lisa. fuck me just as you are."

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