smoking and being high.

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Jennie: Lisa, controlling me. telling me how many times i can cum, overstimulating me until im brain dead.

She deciding to make me cum over and over again. A blunt between my fingers, me crying as I breath in smoke.

Coughing and moaning as my fingers rub my clit.

I cum, shattering apart. A dumb stupid slut, desperate for cock. Im a dripping mess, too high to care about anything. Too fumb to do anything but finger my soaking pussy and pretend her big cock making me feel amazing.

I cum, again, and again and again. Too many times to count. I follow my Lisa every order. I can barely keep my eyes open.

High, lazy and stupid. Sitting in a puddle of my own cum. My clit aching, and yet when she tells me to continue I do without a second of hesitation.

On cloud nine I moan and scream as I cum again. My body shaking from overstimulation. I lay barely conscious, a stupid ruined wreck.

My Lisa continues to tell me all the sinful things she wants to do with my body. How she wants to use me. She makes me smoke more and more and the pleasure is almost too much to handle.

You can hear how wet I am as I finger my pussy as fast as I can.

Tears leaking from my red eyes, cum getting all over my hand, my thighs. The bed beneath me. Its still dripping from my aching, abused cunt.

I want to beg for more, so needy... Dazed all I can think about is being fucked until I passed out.

Even as I lay, ruined and too high to speak. My master Lisa is only just getting started...

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