Chapter 15

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"EEEEEE!!!!" Mina squealed, dancing around.

Bakugo and I hastily untangled ourselves.

Many ways to handle the situation rushed through my mind. I contemplated playing dumb, but I knew that it was too late.

Mina and Kirishima caught us kissing, and that fact is not changing.

I knew they wouldn't tell anyone without our permission; that's not what I was worried about. I was worried that I might have to endure their relentless investment in our . . .

. . . relationship? What are we?

We were definitely attracted to each other. That much was certain.

But where do we go from here?

Kirishima looked sorta . . . sad, but only for a moment. He put on a smile and bounded over to Bakugo.

"Congrats bro!" he said, patting his shoulder like an awkward step-dad.

Bakugo did not like that.

"Get OFF me!" he hissed, before storming out of the room.

"Wait!" Kiri said, running out of the room after him, leaving Mina and I alone.

Mina was still bouncing around in excitement. I grabbed her shoulders, holding her still.

"GIRL. Calm down!" I chided.

"Sorry! I'm just so happy that it worked!" she beamed.

"What worked?"

Her eyes widened, realizing what she said.

"NOTHING! Just forget I said anything," she smiled sheepishly.

My grip on her shoulder tightened.

"What worked, Mina?" I snarled through clenched teeth.

She hesitated for a moment before spilling the beans.

"Kiri and l didn't force you two together 'for the benefit of the friend group'. We did it to speed up the blossoming of your obvious love!" she smiled at my shocked expression.

She continued, "Technically, it was me that hatched the plan. Kirishima was just along for the ride. Actually, he seemed kind of reluctant to help."

She mused on about the details of the plan, but I wasn't listening. She had lost me at "obvious love."

"Was it really that obvious?" I interrupted her rambling.

"Was what 'really that obvious'?"

My cheeks flushed at the idea of saying the L-word.

"Our . . . Attraction to each other," I mumbled.

"Uh, YEAH!" she exclaimed. "You two were practically undressing each other with your eyes!"

"Mina!" I gasped, playfully shoving her.

"What?! It's true!" she laughed.

I wouldn't admit it to anyone, but I walked out of the classroom with more confidence than I had walking in.


Bakugo's POV

"You tricked us, you little perverts!"

I looked at L/n as she held phone charger and grape balls by the ears, berating them relentlessly.

To be specific, I looked at L/n's body in the skimpy cheerleader outfit she was wearing.

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