Chapter 20

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Bakugo led me through town to the diner we ate at with our peers.

"Ooo, this place!" I cheered. I hadn't had any lunch because of Mina and Kiri's stunt, and the confection advertisements plastered in the windows made my mouth water.

"I know we've already been here with the extras, but you seemed to like it last time!" he snapped defensively, before becoming more reserved. "It was the best I could do on such short notice."

I reached out for his hand, which fidgeted with his jacket's hem, and took it, pulling him toward me. "It's perfect."

Inside, a hostess seated us by the window at a little round table and two red chairs that kept with the 50's aesthetic.

Only when we sat down did we realize that the table was so small that there wasn't enough legroom for both of us.

After a moment of awkward fumbling, we found a way for our legs to tangle together comfortably, though they still brushed against each other.

"So... I would congratulate you on your win, but-" I began.

He interrupted, "For fuck's sake, not you too! I've had a long-ass day of everyone saying how idiotic, brutish, and temperamental I am, so could you not?!"

I laughed heartily. "You're cute." At this, he flinched a little and gazed out of the window, trying to maintain his angry demeanor. "As I was saying, I would congratulate you, but I get how you feel."

Not turning back to me, he tried to contain his surprise, though I noticed a sharp inhale.

When he didn't reply, I continued. "Shoto's refusal to use his powers would frustrate anyone, though you took it to the next level," I teased.

His forearms rested on the table. "Don't use his first name. You barely know him."

Before I could respond, a waiter swaggered to our table. "Well hello there!" He addressed me, "What might your name be?"

"Um, L/n," I said.

"Such a lovely name! And what would L/n like to order?"

"I think I'll have-"

Bakugo interrupted, saying through gritted teeth, "We will get Fit-for-a-Princess Jumbo Ice Cream Sundae." He reached across the table and took my hand. "To share."

The waiter's face fell. "Coming right up," he sighed, before walking away with a lot less pep in his step.

Once he disappeared through the kitchen door, I shot Bakugo an irritated look. "What was that?"

"I don't know what you mean." Almost throwing my hand back to me, he leaned back and crossed his arms.

"Okay, Bakugo-"

"That extra was trying to hit on you!"


"I just... wanted to protect you."

His words struck a chord in my heart. "Though that's very sweet, I can handle myself," I said softly.

Before I could think twice about it, I brushed my leg against his, prolonging the contact.

Bakugo's crimson eyes snapped to mine, and he sat up a little straighter. As his stare bore into me, I cursed myself for daring to flirt so obviously.

I was expecting him to say something, but he didn't. He just smirked and stared, the heat of his gaze making my cheeks burn.

Our spiteful waiter came over to us with our food and mutely set it down between us before stalking off.

Thankful for the interruption, I squeaked, "Oh wow would you look at that it looks like our sundae is here!" I seized a spoon, scooped up a heap of ice cream, and shoveled it into my mouth.

Chuckling, Bakugo reached for me. "You've got a little..." His thumb grazed my lower lip, sending shivers down my spine. He retracted his hand and licked the ice cream away.

"Y- you did that last time," I stammered.

"I did," he smiled. "Only because you're so clumsy when you eat."


5k reads babey!

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