Chapter 24

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                             yall doin'😅😬? Okay, I know I'm hella late, but I want to give you something that's (barely) literate.

We sat at the island counter, devouring the meal Bakugo made for dinner.

"I fink I might jusht yeave you for this shtir fry," I mumbled, my full mouth making it hard to speak.

Bakugo's panicked expression made me snort and try not to choke. "I'm kidding, dummy!" I assured him once I recovered and swallowed. He mellowed, though he glared at my food like he was jealous.

A quiet moment went by, and I realized what I had insinuated. "What...are we?"

Bakugo looked up from his bowl. "Whadya mean?"

"What are we doing? Are we a c-...couple?" I braced myself for his answer.

"Of course, dumbass!" he said roughly. Then, he blushed and looked at his feet, adding, "...What I mean is, I would certainly b-be okay with that...but only if you're okay with it!" He looked up. "...Are you?"

A smile tugged at my lips. "I'm so okay with that."

His smug demeanor quickly returned. "Cool," he smirked simply and returned to his meal.

"So, just to clarify, you're my boyfriend, right?"

"Yes, idiot! Do I need to spell it out for you?"

My glee overtook my body, and I seized Bakugo, pulling him into an aggressive hug.

"What the fuck? Get off me nerd!" he protested. When I ignored him and squeezed tighter, his body softened and he put his hand on my head, stroking my hair.

We stayed there for a while -my face buried in his chest, inhaling his intoxicating scent- before we realized we still had half-eaten stir fry in front of us.


After we finished eating, Bakugo and I retired to the living room.

Bakugo sprawled across the couch, and I crawled on top of him. I wrapped my arms and legs around him like a koala clinging to a branch.

"Ah-! What do you think you're doing?!" he yelped.

"You're taking up the whole couch, and I had nowhere to sit. What's a girl to do?" I giggled, looking up at him

He glared at me. "No, I mean, what makes you think you can do this to me?"

The bubbly feeling in my stomach stopped abruptly, and my heart jumped into my throat, making it hard to speak. I shot up so I was sitting on top of him. "...oh. Um, I'm sorry. I just thought- nevermind. I'll just get of-"

I began getting out of my straddle, but he stopped me, putting a hand on my thigh.

"Wait! I didn't mean it like that! What I meant was- I-" Becoming visibly frustrated, he put his hands on my waist. "Com'ere."

He pulled me down onto him, my head resting on his chest. Despite the calming nature of our position, my heart was racing, and so was his.

After a moment of stillness, his hands traveled up my spine to the skin my tank top didn't cover and swirled his fingertips around, tracing shapes in his imagination.

My eyes were wide at first, but as his touch melted my body, they fluttered closed.

"What I meant was," he hummed, his voice vibrating through me, "If you do things like...climbing on top of me-"

I blushed. "Sorry about that."

"Nah, it's fine now. But when you're so forward with me...let's just say I might have to show you who's boss."

His words took me by surprise, but I liked it. I looked up at him, resting my chin on his chest. "And how do you plan to do that?" I said, a smile creeping onto my lips as I did.

"I think you know," he whispered, staring at me intensely with fiery eyes.

My hands moved from his waist and wandered up his torso, resting on his shoulders. "Enlighten me."

Suddenly, he grabbed my thighs and pulled me up on his body so we were face to face.

"Bakugo, I-"

"Katsuki," he corrected, and before I could fully comprehend what was happening, he lifted his head and met my lips with his.

The moment we kissed, an invisible, gravitational force seemed to form between us. As he lowered his head, I followed his lead, pursuing his affection like a kitten chasing a string.

I pulled away. "Katsuki, you," I breathed.

In the span of a second, he lifted me up, laid me down face-up, and got on top of me. "I love you too, Teddy Bear."

I threw my arms around his neck and pulled him close, though it wasn't needed; he was already looking at me with hungry, eager eyes.

We kissed fiercely, my fingers entangled in his soft hair, his strong arms wrapped around my abdomen, making me arch my back.

His tongue slipped into my mouth with ease, entwining with mine. A pleasureful chill ran down my spine as he ran the tip of his tongue along the roof of my mouth.

Almost unconsciously, I entered his mouth as well. Katsuki flinched a little before holding me even closer.

My body was flush against his at this point, yet it somehow felt like I needed him closer.

I tried to pretend I didn't feel his hardening crotch, but it was virtually impossible, as it was pressing into my thigh. I also tried ignoring the wet spot on my underwear.

I slowed my kisses, and he seemed to get the message that I needed a break. He pulled out of my mouth and placed a last few loving pecks on my lips before moving to my jaw.

As he traveled down, his kisses became lighter and more tender, until he stopped at my chest. He put his head on my bosom, and I ran my fingers through his hair.

We stayed entwined together, and after a while, an ever-so-slight snore came from Katsuki. Not long after he fell asleep, I did the same.

The last thing I remember before losing conscience was Katsuki's caramel scent.


I can't stop doing the fuckboy face. Send help.

Thanks for reading! Votes and comments are highly appreciated!<3

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