Chapter 8

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I looked into their eyes, and ugly brutishness looked back.

Bakugo, Kirishima, and I had walked into a dinky room with a couple of villains.

"Well, well, well! What do we have he-" one of them started.

"Sorry!" I exclaimed, "We don't have time for your monologue."

I launched onto him and hit him with a sickening blow to the cheek. I used his moment of unbalance to force a gust of wind under his feet. 

While he was in midair, I punched the floor-length window behind him, making it shatter. The villain crashed to a glass-covered floor, getting sliced all over his body.

His female colleague turned to me. Her hair was grey and in dreads that hovered around her head.

I realized the end of her dreads had gun barrels, and just in time too. Every barrel lit up, and bullets shot towards me in a barrage.

I shot air at them with as much force as I could muster, bracing for impact. If this doesn't work, I'm dead. Literally.

Thankfully the bullets slowed and fell to the floor. The villain stood still as a statue, paralyzed in shock and awe.

I was also amazed at my own power. I was positive I wouldn't have been able to do that a few months ago. Jeez, my quirk is pretty strong.

I roundhouse kicked gun-hair lady in the face. My boots were reinforced with metal that left a quickly-swelling bruise across her cheek. 

I kneed her in the abdomen while she was preoccupied coping with the pain. The sharp point of my boot sank into her stomach.

She doubled over in pain, clutching her stomach. Using my quirk, I slammed her against the ceiling before hurling her body back to the ground. She was definitely K.O.ed.

It was a super hard move, and it took a lot out of me to perform, but her quirk could be deadly if she got the chance to use it. I needed to take her out before she could hurt the ones I love.

"What the fuck, Wind bitch?!" bakugo hissed. "You took them out before I could have any fun!"

"Sorry," I looked out the window and saw more villains scattered around the area, "but I think you'll have a chance to fight today."

We made our way through the rubble towards the center of the dome, fending off villains as we went.

Suddenly, the round rumbled throughout the dome, and several boulders scattered down the hill, threatening to crush us. We dodged them easily.

"What the hell is going on down there?!" I exclaimed, propelling myself into the air.

"All Might's here! Wait, why wasn't he here in the first place?" I looked down at them.

"Mr. Aizawa mentioned it on the bus ride over. You were sorta . . . indisposed," Kirishima said on the ground beneath me.

My cheeks got hot against my will, and I looked away sharply. "Whatever. I'm going down to help out."

"Wait up, Wind bitch!" Bakugo yelled, leveraging himself up with his quirk as I zoomed away.

"What about me?" Kirishima whined.


My feet hit the ground running in the center. Bakugo dropped down beside me. The fight came into view, and what we saw was horrifying.

All Might, the great symbol of peace . . . was being dragged into a portal by a disgusting mutation thing that had its claws firmly planted in his ribs.

Bakugo and I sprinted towards the void dude. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Midoriya running towards him as well. 

The void dude was looking straight at him, opening a surprise portal.

Who knows where that portal leads! You're so fucking dumb sometimes, Midoriya!

Grunting angrily, I changed course last-minute.

As Bakugo grabbed void dude's exposed armor and slammed it to the ground, I intercepted Midoriya with a killer body-slam.

His head hit the gravel with a sickening crunch as we tumbled to the ground. We rolled to a stop, him ending up on top of me. 

I expected him to scramble off me and frantically apologize, but his petite, toned body remained slumped on mine.

I heard angry growls beside me. I looked over and saw Bakugo holding void dude down, glaring at Midoriya dangerously. Smoke billowed off his sweat-slicked body.

I realized Midorya still hadn't gotten up. "Um, could you get off me?" I asked awkwardly.

He didn't move.

Shit. This dude is knocked out. It must've been the fall. That's all it takes to K.O. him?

I shoved him off me and stood up, brushing myself off.

Uruaka rushed over and began frantically trying to coax him into consciousness.

"Is he dead?!" she cried hysterically.

I bent down and slapped Midoriya across the face sharply. His face scrunched up as he regained consciousness.



"Interesting," Tokoyami said analytically, " so, the people you fought were also low-level thugs."

I was talking with Kiri, Kaminari, and Tokoyami outside USJ. An investigator with the police had just finished questioning the class about the league of villains.

 I was surprised to learn that no one was harmed except for Midoriya, who broke both his legs towards the end of the battle.

"Yeah, they messed with the wrong kids, huh?" Kiri grinned, punching his fist triumphantly.

"Sure Kiri, whatever," I chuckled.

A female police officer came out of the building and addressed the class. "Okay, everyone has been cleared. You can all take the bus back to school."

Everyone made their way to the buses . . . well, almost everyone.

I skipped towards a stoic Bakugo that was looking up at the dome.

"Whats up Boom-boom-boi? You look deep in thought!" I teased playfully, putting my arm around him.

I realized too late what I had done. His shoulders tensed at my touch, and his breathing stopped abruptly. He stared forward intensely, determined not to show his quickly reddening face.

My arm snapped to my side, and I wished I could unravel time and weave a new series of events. One where I didn't just do that.

Bakugo quickly reapplied his 'bad boy' face and turned to me.

"What the hell did you call me?"

"Um . . . Boom-boom-boi," I muttered, feeling more stupid by the second, "j-just because, you know how you call me 'wind bitch' and thought I would think of a nickname . . . for you. But whatever, it was stupid anyway, sorry."

His face softened slightly, "No, it-"

"Anyways, we need to go now!" I spewed before awkwardly run-walking to the bus.

What is wrong with you, Y/n?!


Everyone is supposed to have been referring to Y/n as L/n. I went back and changed it, but I thought yall ought to know.

Thank you for reading! 

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