Chapter 4

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I guess I'm doing this on my own.

I guessed Uruaka would be the first to reach me and the fake weapon. She doesn't seem too threatening, but I wasn't about to underestimate her because of that.

I poised myself to attack, all of my senses working at one hundred and fifty percent.


"Jesus Christ!" The building shook suddenly. My body rattled to my core, freaking the shit out of me.

The rumbling continued as I waited for something to happen. Five minutes passed. Still, there was nothing but muffled explosions. How was Midoriya not blown to pieces yet?  

I paced in front of the hallow bomb impatiently.

Then, I heard a little shuffle behind me. I spun around and saw Uruaka frozen mid-step, her eyes wide.

"Hiiii . . . !" she squeaked.

"Finally!" I grinned evilly, really getting into character. "I knew it would take a while for you to get here, but that was dismally slow!"

Her shy demeanor quickly shifted to determination. "Slow, huh? I'll show you how fast I can be!" 

She sped around the room, touching as many things as she could, throwing them together above my head.

She's going to try to cush me. That's surprisingly sadistic for a little softy like her. I calmly watched her scurry around. I figured she would try something like this, and I had a perfect counterattack. 

My quirk was almost brutally powerful against Uruaka's. Anything she makes float can be easily swept up by me. 

She stopped in front of me, triumphantly drawing a breath to say 'release!'. I made my move.

The whole room was swept up in a whirling tornado. Uruaka's floating pile was swiftly sucked in, hazardously flying through the air.

 I stood in the eye of the storm, straining to control the strength of the wind. In the spirit of a villain, I didn't want to destroy the building that's supposed to be my headquarters.

Bakugo seemed to have different goals because a huge explosion erupted downstairs. I could tell it was greater than the blasts before it. What is he thinking?!

I lost my balance, making me let go of the current. The whirlwind quickly dissipated. The floating objects hovered for a moment before crashing to the ground.

Remembering Uruaka, I turned to her. She was muttering something into her earpiece. "It's a plan!"


Before I could react, the ground ripped open. Pure force barreled through floor after floor until the sky was visible. I was baffled.

Uruaka took the opportunity to make herself weightless and launch over my head towards the weapon. She tapped my forehead on her way over, making me float.

I directed a gust of wind at her in a last-ditch attempt to push her over. Instead, I zoomed backward, slamming my head against the wall. Hard.


"Where the hell is she?!"

I rubbed my eyes and blinked a couple of times, letting them focus. Sitting up, I looked around. I seemed to be in a hospital consulting room. Bakugo busted the door open and stormed in.

"Really bitch?! You fucking knocked yourself out?!" Bakugo berated.

"Um . . ." I stammered, still getting my bearings. Everything started coming back.

"Are you really that fucking DUMB?"

"What about the time I blasted one side of the fucking building off? Oh wait, that was YOU!"

"Like that fucking MATTERS!"

"Of course it matters if you're destroying the building that's supposed to be your headquarters! Points will be deducted!"

"I . . ."

"And I'm the dumb one! Sure!" I sarcastically spat, rendering him speechless for a moment.

" . . . Whatever! They need you in the control room for critiques."


" . . . And then the said 'I'm Mr. Aizawa, and I really don't want to be here,'!"

"Ha! Your teacher seems like . . . a character." Mahi chuckled.

Mahi and I were at the local mall. 

About a year ago, we decided we would go somewhere together every weekend. I had to pass last week because my mom insisted on getting a manicure for the first day of school.

We strolled through the mall, sucking on boba that I bought for us as a sorry for flaking.

"You could say that," I said.

"God, your school sounds so fun! My school is boring as hell," he said, fluffing his jet black hair. 

His overall energy was super sweet, but his baggy clothes, dark eyes, and dirty hoodie tended to drive people away. (AN: think Shinso + L from Deathnote)

"Whaddya mean? No cute girls?" I teased, nudging him with my elbow.

"Not really." he blushed. "What about you? Anyone you like?" he asked in a more serious tone.

My mind immediately went to Bakugo. God no! I thought. Why I even think of that man-child?!

"A definite no."




My phone chimed. I took it out of my back pocket. 'Mom' popped up on my screen.

"My mom is coming to pick me up. Do you want a ride?"

"Nah, I'll walk. There aren't many more warm days in the season. I want to enjoy it while I can."

"Okay, mister one-with-nature! Is that your quirk?" I laughed.

"I'll never tell!" he joked. He's never told me what his quirk is, and I'm totally okay with it. Lots of people prefer to keep their quirk secret. 

Quirks can be silly, useless, or downright inappropriate. Like, there was once a guy that jizzed morphine! sex must've been real awkward.

We made our way outside and sat down on a bench, waiting for my mom. Once she arrived, we said our goodbyes, and I hopped in the car.

My mom drove away. "How was that, honey?"

"Fun, as always," I replied.


Thank you for reading! Votes are highly appreciated! <3

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