Chapter 7

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After I had a meltdown in the bathroom, I composed myself and joined the others in the courtyard outside.

"Hello everyone, I've been waiting for you!"

Everyone gasped upon seeing Thirteen's iconic space-themed costume.

So this who Mr. Aizawa was talking about when he said 'another faculty member'.

"Whoohoo!" Uruaka cheered, "Thirteen is one of my favorite heroes!"

I wouldn't show it, but I was also thrilled that I was working with her. She's one of the heroes I've looked up to my whole life.

"I can't wait to show you what's inside!" she cheered, gesturing to the dome-like building behind her.

She guided us through the doors, and everyone gasped in awe. A beautiful ecosystem was sprawled across the interior of the dome. Just at a glance, I could see many makeshift 'disasters'.

"A shipwreck, A landslide, A fire, A windstorm, etcetera! I created this facility to prepare you to deal with different types of disasters," she announced. 

"Now, before we start, let me say one thing! Well, maybe two things. Possibly three, four, or-"

"We get it!" Bakugo's deep voice snarled from behind me. He was much closer to me than I thought. His intense, raspy voice made me jump before I eased into his tone. 

I noticed a warmer, sweeter feeling to his voice that I hadn't before.

"Ok, so-"

Before Thirteen could make her announcement, the lights throughout the dome flicked off. 

In the center, the fountain spluttered off, and a black and purple portal tore through the fabric of the universe.

I highly doubt this was part of the teacher's plan.

The portal burst outward, spreading out across the court area like black fire.

"Students!" Mr. Aizawa ordered. "Stay together and don't move. Thirteen! Protect the students!"

A deceased creature crawled out of the black depths of the opening, ash-blue hands grasping at his body and face. I realized the being was a man with dry, sickly yellowish skin, and blue hair.

Other villains followed him; only a few at first, but their numbers quickly grew to over one hundred nasty looking brutes. And they were all coming straight at us.

(Alexa, play "Calling all the Monsters" by China Anne Mclain)

"Wait, has the training started already?" Kirishima asked. "I thought we were doing rescue training."

His stupidity infuriated me.

"This isn't fucking training, you idiotic rock!" I hissed.

I saw Bakugo scrunch up his brows and puff up his cheeks in an effort to stifle a laugh.

Mr. Aizawa popped on a pair of odd-looking goggles and assumed a combative stance. "This is real. Those are villains."

Now he addressed what looked like the head of this operation. "So, you scumbags must have used the media as a cover and sneaked onto campus."

"Where is he?" the hand guy demanded. 

"I went through the trouble of bringing so many friends who are eager to me him. They want All Might. The great symbol of peace! I can't believe he's not here. Maybe if I kill a few kids, he'll come out to play!"

At this, Mr. Aizawa's scarf hovered around him like an angry octopus's tentacles, and he said, "Thirteen, get the kids out of here! Kaminari, use your quirk to alert the main campus."

He launched off the top of the stairs, diving into battle. The group of students raced towards the doors, Thirteen taking up the front.

Suddenly, a black void ripped open on the floor, threatening to swallow us. It was the same type of opening that was in the center of the dome. 

A large figure made of the void rose from it. It had menacing yellow slits for eyes that seemed to bore into my soul.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," they said. "We are the League of Villains. I know it's impolite, but we decided to invite ourselves into this haven of justice to say hello. And besides, isn't this a fitting place for All Might, the symbol of peace, to take his last breath?

Not the monologuing.

"I believe he was supposed to be here today, and yet I see no sign of him. There must have been some sort of change of plans we could not have foreseen.

"Ah, well, in the end, I suppose it doesn't matter. I still have a part to play."

I launched at them like a cougar, teeth bared. Bakugo and Kirishima did the same, yelling raging war cries.

The combination of our quirks resulted in an explosion of pure power upon impact. Clouds of dust and smoke filled the area, making it hard to see anyone.

"Did you think we were going to stand around and let you tear this place to shreds?" I heard Kirishima yell cockily.

The dust cleared, revealing the entity completely unscathed and laughing. "I'll scatter you across this facility to meet my comrades and your deaths!"

They reached towards us with tendrils of oblivion that quickly surrounded the group.

The next thing I knew, the blackness spat me out in midair. I let myself fall through the sky while I surveyed the area. 

I guessed I was in the landside zone because of the waterfall of rocks cascading down the side of a hill. Many buildings were washed away by the stream of stone, though some were miraculously whole.

I was strangely comfortable in the air. Something about the constantly changing state of air made me feel so content in the moment. 

I shouldn't be surprised since my quirk has everything to do with it.

I was falling through the air toward the flat roof of a building that was still intact. I skillfully rotated in the air so that I dove to the building feet first. 

At the last second, I manipulated a cushion of air to catch me right above the roof. I elegantly stepped off the platform and then stifled a giddy dance. 

I had been working on that trick for a while, and I was super happy with how I executed it.

I looked up and became aware of Bakugo and Kirishima falling towards me. I swooped them up in a current and dumped them onto the roof, less ceremoniously than I had for myself.

"Of course I get stuck with you, wind bitch!" Bakugo grumbled, getting up without the help of the hand I had offered.

"Woah, dude! That's super unmanly!" Kirishima said seriously.

"Tch. Whatever."

"We should figure out where we are," I advised. Looking around, I saw a door on the roof that was marked 'Stairs'. I pointed it out, and we rushed to it.

"Ladies first!" I smiled cheesily at Bakugo, opening the door for him.


Bit of a bland chapter, but it's for ✨character development.✨

Thank you for reading! Votes and comments are highly appreciated! <3

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