part 2 : chapter 16

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Ntombi pov.

I've never been so indecisive in my life before. What do I do. I feel like I need to choose between my baby and my husband. I know that my decision will shatter Muzi so much but what more can I do when a demon threatens the life of my unborn baby. My motherly instinct kicked in today when I finally decided to go to father Michael. I have to go there to safely deliver my baby. I woke up early in the morning. I really want to say my goodbyes to Zodwa so at least she'll know that I'm okay but with the way I'm sneaking out I don't think I'll be able to.

I took whatever little thing I could carry and walked out. Michael stirred in his sleep and deep down I shuttered knowing he'll wake up going up and down looking for me. I wiped the tear that slipped and walked out. It's only for a while, I told myself, then I'll be back. I walked away, more like ran away, Just like I've done before.  For a moment I had second thoughts. I want to stay with him but I must flee. Will I be a fool thinking we can fight this together. Will he fight by my side like he fought for me to be in his life again. No I can't,  I stand to lose far much worse if I choose to abide by my selfish desires to be with Muzi. I have a responsibility now. I attempted to write a letter just to assure him that I'll be fine wherever I'll be at but the words couldn't form. What do I tell him, that he failed as a husband to protect his family and the kingdom. This too shall pass I guess. I just wish things weren't like this but when push comes to shove a person has got to do whatever to push through the difficult times.

I managed to exit the palace. This is it, I said, going to an unkown future. I walked until all  i could think about is water and food. Even if I can get a drop of moist in my throat I'll be fine. My body has gotten used to the luxuries of the palace that I couldn't bare the pain my feet and body was in. I wanted to cry at this moment but I gulped down the emotions and pushed myself. For my baby I'll endure.  The sky became as clear as the sea and the Sun beamed so high as if to punish me for fleeing my matrimonial home. I can imagine the chaos in the palace. I have to quicken my pace I'm sure by now the guards must be out and about looking for me and I don't want to be found and having to explain where I was going this time. I don't want to think about anything else anymore. I need to reserve my energy so I pushed myself more until I decided to rest under a tree. The cool shade and breeze calmed and soothed my hot skin. My lips felt like they were cracking and I kept going in and out of sleep.

"Ntombi Ntombi get up. Get up they are coming." A voice said with urgency.

"Who are you?" I asked as soon as my eyes edjusted. This young man helped me get up instead of answering my question. I panicked.

"Who are you? Don't touch me!" I tried slapping his hands away but he kept on pulling me away. I was angry. Angry that he woke me up and angry that he ignored all my protest and questions, angry that my stomach couldn't stop growling and hurting.

"Here take this. It'll have to do for now." He gave me an Apple, a huge one that three other people can share. I got a good look at him. It was wrong for me to say this man looked young. His face looked old, no i mean young yet wise, never mind just know he is so handsome. He had tribal signs on his face, tall...I mean gigantic, his lips in a straight line as if he's concentrating on a lot of different things all at once.

A few more bite from the Apple and I was full. I couldn't take anymore so I kept for later.

"You can just throw it away. There's plenty from where it came from." He said and went back to pulling and concentrating... and being handsome. "I can hear your thoughts, for your own information if you were to see my true form it won't be pleasing." WHAT THE HELL! I yelled in my mind. No seriously where is he taking me.

"If I tell you then I'd have to kill you." He answered me. Oh my word I'm going to die! He laughed. Can he really hear my thoughts. I should just shut up right now because his smirk is really annoying, proud jerk! "Relax Ntombi or should I say queen of zulu land. I'm here to protect you actually the baby but I guess the future Prince is a package deal so yeah. We are going to the beyond, the unkown, my home and everyone's home once they are six feet under."

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