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Part 2; chapter 12

Eliza POV

What exactly Is your plan? I asked the short guard that was once the disfigured beast that lived in my pot.

my plan is to be in control and do things on my own since you are too incompetent to do them. It said moving uncomfortably. this body is so uncomfortable.

so I dont have to kill the poor baby now? he looked at me as if willing to slap the hell out of me.

what you have to do is to lure the king even closer to you. Remember, you are in it in as much as Im in this. I want my revenge and you gave me the perfect opportunity. I did not give you all the power for nothing, stop being naïve.

well I thought since you are here

you thought nothing, he interrupted me, Let me get out of here before people start asking questions we dont need right now. He exited my chambers. Wherever he is going I know it wont be good. Well at least I will have the prince sooner than I thought,

Ntombi POV.

I need to find out what that woman is up to. I would be damned if I let the my man slip away again, not now when we are having a baby. For now Zodwa will have to do most of the work, that is keeping an eye on Eliza.

Ntombi. I turned to find Muzi leaning on the wall. You seem to be lost in thoughts, what troubles my queen? He dramatically bowed offering his hand to me. come lets take a walk.

As we were walking around the garden, I was contemplating whether to ask the prince about his sudden decision to hire this new guard. As much as I dont want to admit it, I know my reluctance to accept the situation is because Eliza was behind it all. It was suddenly so easy for her to convince Muzi, especially about something like this.

so arent you going to speak up or do we have to finish our walk without a single word being said. He said. He can always sense my reluctance and when something is bothering me.

its nothing. I said. Im not about to tell him about Eliza, not now when I havent got proof. I have been stressed about the baby. Everything is happening so fast and soon I wont be able to stand or do anything on my own. Its partly true. my tommy Is growing at an unbelievably fast rate. It looks like I am going to give birth tomorrow if not today.

its fine and natural for you to worry about such things. You just have to remember that you have all these people to help you and most especially you have me.

you just need to rest and worry less. Everything will be fine, I promise. He said.

I understand, I need food now.

We walked for a bit before settling down in the middle of the garden. let me go ask the maidens to prepare something fast for us.

He stood only to come back after a short while.

that was quick.

oh? I found the new guard on my way. Saved me the trip. Whats his name again?

And we dont even know the name of this new guard, which made me even more unsettled.

Zodwa POV.

So far the eagle hasnt made its move. Im looking at this new man going about his business. His presence annoys me.

uuh, look who developed a new interest in the visitor. – one of the palace maidens startled me.

you know you should be busy doing your work instead of spying on others. I say defensively.

well unlike you I am doing something that doesnt involve lusting on other workers. Argh eww.

you can see he is old, right? I asked still portraying disgust on my facial features. he is not a visitor. He will be working with us from now on.

but ho

dont ask. Go do your work, now! I commanded her. Being close friends with the queen has its perks.

Let me leave him for now. I have my own work to tend too.


oh there you are. I have been looking everywhere for someone. The young beautiful maiden turned to tend to the guard.

the king and the queen ask for something quick to eat. I guess their duties tired them. He said, a bit close to the girls back. She shifted a bit feeling uncomfortable.

Ill do so thank you. You can now be on your way. She couldnt deny the strangeness in the mans attitude. Is he the new one everyone is talking about, the one who gained favour of the king all the thanks to queen Eliza.

I was hoping I could take the food to them.

I dont think so old man. Normally its the maids that serve and make food. Guards keep the royals safe, in case you have forgotten. She said. She was always known for her displeasure with people, especially the ones the looked strange.

are you always this dis-pleasant young maiden?

only to man who undress ladies with their eyes. Now if you could get goi

I command your soul to be mine from now on. He looked straight into the maiden eyes as he said those words. Adding more souls to his soul trope.

now shall we try this again? I want to you make nice food for the king and his pathetic queen and add this to the queens plate. The king needs to live for a bit. He handed her the substance he forged to kill everything that consumes it. He wanted the unborn princes blood so bad that he could already feel dripping down his throat.

yes master. The female did what she was told unconsciously.

Ntombi POV.

you can put it down here. Thank you. The king gestured to the maid that had their food.

we usually have our lunch served in one plate. I told the maid that seemed to be out of it today.

sorry my queen. Ive been ordered to serve you like this.

who? I asked her, hoping the name Eliza wouldnt be involved.

its fine Ntombi. Just fix the error for next time. He dismissed the maiden feeling even more hungrier as he looked at the food.

arent you going to eat? Muzi asked.

actually no, I wont. my love dont you think things are bit strange around here? I said, willing to finally tell him what has been bothering me.

Ntombi Im really tired of all that people are saying. Is my ruling really that uncomfortable? he we go again, being defensive when the real issue is being addressed. This is not my king.

now eat your food.

I dont feel like eating this kind of food. I will go and ask for a different dish to be made for me. I left him alone to eat whatever theyve been giving him thats making him different. I now believe that something or someone is onto something. Since when do I eat separately when Im dining alone with the king, my man.





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