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My sister gave us the biggest welcome anyone could ask for but I wasn't at all comfortable being here. Who live's here? Who's house is this? I didn't want to get all to quizzy before we have settled down and the children away to hear us talk about private matters.

"Precious it has been so long. I'm dearly sorry for all those years without coming home. I was overly ashamed and didn't think I'd ever be welcomed back home." She held My hand as if still not believing that I'm in front of her.

"Brother, mother missed you so much. We all did. It didn't matter what you've done you'll always be family." I looked around, as if she read my mind, she said, " this is my husbands' house. He is dead. Brother a lot of things happened."

She continued talking, telling me all that has happened whilst I was away...



"Ntombi open this door now." The mother queen yelled. I don't want to see anyone, can't they at least except that.

Muzi left me hours ago after he held me so tight. I needed that. I need him. It made me happy that he stuck around this time. No matter what wrong or hurt he seem to be doing to me I can't find it within me to hate him. He is the love of my life. I love him.

"I said i won't come. Is the food not going down without me. I doubt that. Now leave me alone." I retorted.

"Young woman you can't do as you please here. I'm trying to bring peace between the two wifes of my son." I laughed at that.

"Last time I checked I'm the queen." She didn't say anything almost making me think she finally decided to leave me alone. "This kingdom is mine and last I checked your husband never put you through this misery so don't act like you understand. The least you can do is give me space. Dine together and have as many children as you wish, just let me be. Give me this small luxury that is left. Is that too much??" My voice held so much bitterness and I know my strong will caught her off guard.

"I'll leave for now." She said. I could hear the shuffling of her feet as she walked away.

At least I can be alone. Think about everything. That woman won. I can't believe this. Where in the hell is my happily ever after. I can hurt the Prince, I want to. The only way to do that is by leaving him. I know he would be hurt and broken. So what am I still doing here? You don't have a home, a voice reminded me in my head.

So what to do now. Go to the witch doctor to make me carry a baby no matter the consequence. Look what love has turned me to.



I sat there not believing everything my sister told me. How can she be so cruel, to her own daughter even. This isn't my sister. The Precious I know wouldn't do such evil to her daughter. Oh what a mess, and I thought I'm the black sheep of the family.

This has to be sorted. As the male and head of this family I feel like it's my duty to fix and bring my family together. Precious has to apologise. I don't care how hard it will be for her. Ntombi is my niece. I was there when she could barely say a word and used to crawl all the time. She probably doesn't know me since I left when she was at a tender age.

"Sister, I don't know what to say. You have done so much." I tried saying that in a way that doesn't seem as if I'm judging her. She looked down kind of reminding me when we were young and she did something wrong.

"Brother believe me when I say all this time I've been living in misery. My daughter want nothing to do with me. I didn't attend her wedding. It hurt to think that she now has a sister wife. News has it that the palace needs an heir and she couldn't given that to the king." She looks guilty and a bit remorseful.

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