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Just like all the other times, I'm staring into space and wondering what in the name of the almighty I'm I going to do. Obviously time isn't on my side. Everybody has ran out of patience, even myself. I've searched my brain for this person but nothing comes to mind. There must be a mistake somewhere. Or maybe they were talking about my dad. It's the only person I can think of but where do I go about looking for him. This is so frustrating and so unfair. These are the things the ancestors should overlook especially in my situation.

"Come in." I ordered Zodwa in after she knocked.

"My queen. The queen mother is asking for your presence." Zodwa said shuffling on her feet. She seems nervous and it makes me wonder what trouble I'm in with the queen at the moment, I'm hoping it's not about an heir, We've been through that one already.
"Did she say what she wants from me?" I asked concerned.

"Actaully there are people in the dining room and princes Eliza is here too." My body just tensed but quickly recovered. It must be nothing serious. Probably some welcoming thing I need to do as the queen, I told myself.

"Okay tell her I'll be right back. I want to fix myself first." She left me alone. I quickly made myself look presentable and also gathered my thoughts.

The hall boomed with laughter and people passing around meat. Is there something I'm missing here? I entered the room cautiously, eyeing everyone as if questioning them what the hell is going on here. My quick sweep stopped right when I spotted Princess Eliza. What was she doing here, today of all days. I don't remember sending out invites to a party.

The queen walked right up to me. She gave me the biggest welcome I didn't think she was capable of. "First wife of my son, please join us." She pointed to an empty seat next to her. Okay, this is new. This whole time I followed every instruction carefully. This new found kindness scared me a hell lot. As far as i was concerned there isn't any child coming anytime soon , not with the missing person in question of course.

I greeted the elders. Their gleaming eyes soon turned serious and some of them couldn't look at me in the eyes any longer. Did that witch do something to me? Maybe p my presence have much weight. They fixed their postures toward me as if readying themselves for war. Okay, this I can't do. What happend to being happy. I liked them like that more.

"My queen we've all taken our time to update you about some slight changes because we respect you." Oh please. I internally rolled my eyes at that.

"Princess Eliza here. Is the new wife of this house. Please welcome her with open hands. She'll be the second wife to the king."

"WHAT! MA! WHERE IS MUZI RIGHT NOW?!!" All eyes snapped toward me. As if I'm the wrong one in this situation. "I said where is my husband. How dare you all go behind my back to bring this spoiled brat in this place?"

"My queen please understand..." one elder cut in.

"Understand what? That I'm no longer needed around here right. Is my opinion as the queen that irrelevant??" I retaliated.

"Ntombi sit down." The queen mother calmly commanded me. "I didn't expect this kind of behaviour coming from you. Now can you welcome this lovely lady and apologise for calling her a brat. She's a princess for royaltys' sake." My ear hummed with heavy blood coming form the adrenaline rush. It was getting too much. I Walked out leaving everyone to continue with whatever they were doing before I interrupted the peace.

So this is it. Prince Muzi went behind my back to marry another, princess Eliza for that matter. Why couldn't it be another princess I wouldn't mind that much. That spoiled thing will make my life a living hell I swear. I knew from first glance that she was after my man. What I'm I going to do???

Think think think!!

There was a small knock on the door before the person in question came in. The handsome face of my husband appeared and I wanted nothing else but to seperate his head from his shoulders. I don't even want to see him. How dare he, they???

"Ntombi." Those simple words from him made me flinch with so much hate and anger.

"Don't even come close to me. Muzi why?" A tear of anger, confusion and betrayal slid down my chick.

"I didn't have a say. I wasn't there when they were marrying her for me. Please understand, I don't love her." The pleading in his eyes made my anger even more evident.

"Don't say that. Muzi not even a heads up? Why Eliza anyway, mmh?"

"And to think she'll be the one to carry your children because I'm incapable... Is this how things were supposed to be between us?"


"Don't come near me and get out!" I stopped him before he can start begging more. I just need to collect my thought.

I need to do something. I don't know anymore. Soon he'll fall for that brat and they'll make babies right nude the same roof as me. I really can't begin to imagine sharing the Prince, Ever! Grandmother where are you? Oh my ancestors what do I do now??!


JOHN (Precious' brother) POV.

All the way home I couldn't stop ignoring the pain from my boots. Times are tough and every now and then I go out to work for the white man just for a bit of change, at least something to put on the table.

"Good evening wife. How was the market today." I greeted my wife whilst she was helping me out of my boots, they hurt so much especially when you are not used to them.

"It was unusual. A lady came looking for you. She was in a hurry so she couldn't wait. She said i should tell you to return home." She made me panick a bit. I hope it isn't my old mistresses.

"Who did she say she was?"

"Precious. She says you are her brother." Right then and there I knew something wasn't right. Why look for me now? Is my mother still fine. Is Precious still healthy? And my niece?? I suddenly felt guilty for living them all this while.

"Did she say the reason??"

"Not really. I think it's something urgent and you need to go back home. I and your children don't know where you come from." She made a point.

"I guess we have a trip to prepare for then." I finally said. I can't wait to see my family. What of my mother? I know I haven't been the best son. I have to make up for it. I need to apologise.


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