chapter 23

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This marriage has caused so much attention from all over the kingdom and our neighbouring kingdoms . Today is the day before my marriage and I should say, I'm not so thrilled to be meeting the notorious "Eliza". Her family would be coming tonight. The palace is big enough to house a mass of people. The palace maids are going up and down making sure everything is ready for the guest and for my wedding.

"So Eliza and her family would be arriving today?" I've been asking the Prince. I was hoping something would change about Eliza, that she isn't coming anymore.

"Yeah..." the Prince said awkwardly.

"Will she be occupying one of the guest rooms outside or inside?" He fiddled awkwardly, preparing to meet his father. I mean I need to know. This is the woman people have been going on about. She's all beauty,  brains and charms so I'm a tiny bit jealous if not more.

"Ntombi I really don't know. I don't handle such matters. Find the head maid or better yet ask my mother. They might know. Look my love I should be going. I'll see you during dinner. I need to sort out some stuff with my dad." He gave me a quick peck on  the lips and disappeared. the thing is he won't even see me tonight. i'm not allowed to see anyone before the night of my wedding.

If I didn't know any better I'd say he is avoiding me. The Prince never gives me a peck. His goodbyes are always long. It must be this Eliza.

I heard her full name is Elizabeth. Even her name is fancy.Oh my ancestors! this girl is making me uneasy for some reason and I haven't even met her.


Muzi pov.

"So this whole parameter belongs to the nguni's and from there it's all our property." My father said to me. We went for a walk. I have a feeling he want to talk to me about something. I really don't care as long as I'm far away from the palace right know, lately I'm tired. If it isn't pressure from Ntombi then it's from the king.

Ntombi is worried about Eliza. To be honest i feel annoyed and angry at her. It means she doesn't trust me. I don't see why she should be worried at all. This whole time it has been about Eliza. I haven't been able to fully touch her these past few days because all we do is talk about the princess Eliza. Her name just turns me off.

I really don't want to be there when she arrives because one i have been deprived of my female's attention and Eliza has godly beauty and two I know ntombi will complain. She will be occupying the guest room inside but I didn't want to tell her. It has been a battle lately with Ntombi.  I can never win.

"Muzi my son." My dad stopped turning in my direction. "Yes father."

"I really hope you do know what you are doing Muzi. As your father I want you to be happy. Bring a king is so much harder but having the right woman with you will make all else a breeze. I really do hope that I led a good example my son." This is was all great and all. This means that in his own way he approves of Ntombi but somehow I feel this isn't the point he was trying to make.

"Well my son, I have taught you very well. I'm sure you will lead this kingdom to greatness. Your heirs shall continue to do the same. I pray that my ancestors will help in making my wish come true." He looked at me then up the sky with his right hand placed near where his heart was located.

"Father, I promise to always make you proud no matter what. You are my super dad. But father I do not understand all this. Why are you telling me this?"

"Well firstly you are about to enter into a very serious commitment and with the way you fight for that lady I can tell it is going to be a life-time journey with her. Secondly, I didn't want to have to tell you this way... son I'm very sick. I have been experiencing some major headaches these past months and the royal sangoma ( a whitch doctor), Vuzi, said that I have no time left. The ancestors are on the other side waiting for me." He can't be saying this. I want him to meet his grandchildren. As old as i am I still want my father to stick around a bit.

"But father,  there has to be some sort of a mistake."

"No no no son. No one knows of this and I want it to be that way. I only told you so that you can prepare for my death. You'll be the man of the house and even more the king of this kingdom. I don't want them to see you as weak. I want your people to respect you and have no fear that you will lead them in the right direction." I was trying to be that strong person he wants me to be. I tear threatened to break out but I held it back and swallowed the sore lump in my throat.

"I get it father. I'm glad that you have seen the woman I love." I had to be appreciative of the the things my ancestors have given me instead of wondering on the what if's.

"Me too son, me too. I'll be there every step of the way. Most importantly I wantyou to know that I'll be there for you. No matter what." With that we left the land he was showing me and went to join the rest for lunch later. I have to be a man. This thing of trying to avoid Ntombi isn't the solution.

I have to be mature about everything. She feels insecure and I have to show her that princess Eliza means absolutely nothing to me. I'm going back to ensure that all else is set. Ntombi can't really do anything. She's bound to stay inside the house until the wedding and I can't see her until tomorrow on our wedding.


"Your kingdom is wonderful Prince Muzi. The people are so welcoming and friendly." Eliza said. Sitting across of me. Her family made it here early and some royals did too. We were all dining and chatting all politics. They all haven't set eyes on Ntombi. I can't wait for all of them to see how beautiful and humble she is.

"Yes of course. Ubuntu is in our blood." i tried speaking as minimum as i could with her but she has been non-stop speaking to me. can't she get the clue already.

I continued eating. i wanted to be excused as soon as possible. Eliza speaks so much especially for a lady such as herself. I think it has to do with the amount of people that told her she has a beautiful voice, which she does unfortunately it comes with a headache. I don't see how wonderful we could have been together. 

I got and left everyone to do their thing, which is chatting non-stop. i wasn't at all interested. i just wanted to get married and possibly getting an heir. it something i have to think about now...


Ntombi POV. 

 " Future queen of zulu land. I'm so happy for you." Zodwa's voice shook me out of my hazy day-dream with the prince. Zodwa is a constant reminder of my wedding with the prince tomorrow. I am excited don't get me wrong. it's just things have been done differently for me. my lobola (bride price) isn't paid but i love the the prince so all that does not matter. I'm afraid my ancestors will turn their backs on me. 

I'm in my chambers. i'm not allowed to be seen until tomorrow. it really annoys me that I won't be with Muzi until tomorrow. Well... at least I have Zodwa.


Author's note:

Eish people. i'm really ashamed i'm presenting this kind of work to you guys. but i'm super busy. i'm writing finals in a few days so i have to study. hope you enjoy this little piece offering. next chapter will be the wedding and i don't know when i'll update but i will. 

not edited!!! but pls vote, comment and follow me. 

thanks to you all so much for even reading up to this far.

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