Chapter 13

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Prince Muzi 

I have been going out of my mind the whole week. The whole finding a missing person isn't as simple as anyone thinks. Overall my guys have made improvements. There has been some report of a female's movement in the neighbouring village. I hope that it's her. I miss her face and the feel of her skin. If I have to go another month without her I couldn't and I won't. I must find my bride.

"So you said the king told you this." I asked one of guard assisting me.

"Yes my Prince. He said the girl just took shelter a few months ago at the whites man's house. " He said his hands together in his front.

"Then we will go this afternoon tell everyone to prepare." I dismissed him and sat there mentally preparing myself. At the same time telling myself that this girl could be anyone. If so how the hell did we miss her. We've searched as far as swaziland only to know that she was right there under our noses. It will take so much for me to convince her to marry me but I'm willing to do whatever it takes. I've risked my own inheritance by disobeying my father. 

As if sensing that I was thinking about him, my father walked into the room I've been using since Ntombi has been missing. There are just too many memories in my old room.

"Son, you are not going to guess what happened." He said in a hurry pacing up and down.

"Dad, please if it's about ndlovu's daughters then I don't want to hear it." I interrupted him.

"Son, that's a debate for another time. I'm here with more pressing issues. The elders and I are planning to visit sipho. He's badly injured. I came here to tell you that you will be going with us this afternoon." Wow so this is what this whole chaos is about.

"Dad I have somewhere to be this afternoon. And did you really think i was going to go. That man is evil and it's completely astounding that you people don't see that. Whatever happened he deserved it and this is just a small price to pay." I know I'm being cruel but anger  and hate totally engulfed my vision at this point. All I want is those people who made Ntombi suffer to suffer two times more.

"Son, this is not negotiable. How will the people think of you." My dad and his persistence. 

"I have to be somehow. We finally have a lead on Ntombi and don't think I'm going to drop all that for that man. You of all people damn know how I feel about him." I stood up and walked out of the room.

It's better if I just start the journey early. I went to go call all the guards to start with the journey. The sooner the better and I just want to get away from my dad before he drags me there with them. 


Precious POV.

SIPHO just laid down there as I forced the porridge in his mouth. He's been crying all night about pains. Like I care. Did he care when I was worried about my daughter all this while? Did he care when he stood there and pressured me to lie against her? I know he didn't put a gun on my head to do all this but the stupid asshole is the cause for all this. This man right here being all vulnerable and in pain is the devil himself.

"My love, please help me. I need to go to the bathroom. I don't want to shit on myself." Argh,  here we go again the usuals. This man does this to me every single day. I have to help him shit for crying out loud. I'm sick of this. Why don't he just die!!

"Just hold it old man. I'm sure it a lot easier than holding your d*ck. She was just a baby man sipho. She was vulnerable and you just had to take her innocent away from her." He desserves this hell. The way the hot porridge burned is bad. His fingers are all stuck together and he can't move both of his arms.

His left side is completely paralysed because of the major stroke he had when the shock of him being burnt dawned and tortured him. He's completely useless. 

"Anyway dear sipho. Your fellow man sent their greetings to you. I heard they are coming to see your progress." I said slightly mocking him. " imagine them seeing such a man of your calibre in this kind of state? It's funny how we all fall from the grace. The all mighty sipho who used to beat the shit out of me as if that wasn't enough he raped a minor." 

"Please don't let them see me like this. Alteast wipe my face."you know he had a point there. What will they think of me if they see him like this.

"You know for once I'm agreeing with you." 

I helped him relieve himself and made him look decent. He surprised me by thanking me and you could see the gratefulness in his eyes. He can't fool me. 

The sound of foot tracks from outside  filled the silence in the room. It must be them. They knocked and I let them in. Sipho didn't look too happy but then what else could he do. They greeted and I offered them seats.

You could see the sadness in their voices as they spoke to sipho. He's lucky his mouth still works. 

"How did this happen though." One man asked. Sipho told them what 'exactly happened'. Apparently I was not around when the porridge was boiling and was about to burn. He then went to take it off the fire when he had a stroke and fell on the pot. 

Shame. You should've seen the way those man were gasping, including the king. Not one of those people thought of the where about of my daughter.


Author's note:

Okay, so just to clear up things this is the official chapter 13. The earlier incomplete version was updated by mistake. Since numbers are increasing I'm assuming people are reading this book but some feedback would be appreciated. Just thanking me for the chapter or simply putting ur opinion would be great.

Just remember it's not edited. 

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