Chapter 4

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Ntombi Had the most sleepful night in years. She felt so light and happy. In the morning she couldn't contain it. She sang as she did her duties and chores. It was all so  overwhelming. 

"I can't wait to see the boy." She said to herself as she prepared dinner. The hut was making her sweat a lot because of the fire and all the blowing she had to do to make the fire upblaze 

"Thandi, where is your father." Her mother hallowed from the main house.

"Ma, I don't know where he went. He said something about going to the community meeting."she answered her mother back making her voice loud so she can be heard.

"Okay then hurry up before he arrives." It wasn't fair for her mother to be making Ntombi do all the work. Her father arrived home and sat down near a plate piled with pap, gravy and fried chicken.

"So baba, what happened during the community meeting?" Her mother asked politely but the answer she got was the opposite of how she asked.

"Woman you know that things like that aren't of a woman's concern but since you will find out soon let me tell you. The elders were informing us of the prince's ceremony where he'll have to chose a wife." 

"Oh that's great baba. When are they planning this." Her mother asked yet another question. She was so used to being treated so badly she didn't mind anymore. 

"Mmmh, anytime from the next 2 months. We are still going to see if he has fallen in love with anyone before the ceremony where we the elders will chose a wife for him." 

Ntombi didn't care what happened. What use was it for her anyway. She wasn't sure if she wanted to be with someone in the future. She thought men were beast and devils. She hated each and every single one of them except for one of course. That specific guy made her hurt jolt in happiness.

Nightfall came as Ntombi waited for her parents to be asleep. She sneaked out of the house and walked to the river. She saw a figure just a few feet away. The guy turned and went to Ntombi. She thought her beauty was nothing he has seen on earth. 

"Hi, finally you made it. I thought you stood me up."

"What! how can I. You are my new friend now." Ntombi replied.

"I'm really honoured that you think that of me."he gave her a heart warming smile but after that it all disappeared to a sad look.

"What is wrong. Is it your father again?" Ntombi asked concerned written all over her face.

"It's just that I'm faced with a hard decision to make before two months. My father and the council wants me to chose a wife or I'll be with someone I have no love for."

"And why would the council be involved with your love life. Aren't they supposed to be preparing for the prince's supposed ceremony." She said confused but managed to roll her eyes.

"You my friend are talking to none other than the prince himself. Ntombi my name is Muzi, prince Muzi. " The Prince said proudly as he pounded his fist near his chest.

Ntombi felt stunned." But why tell me now?" She asked.

"I thought you knew. I'm the only Muzi in this village and I thought everybody knew prince Muzi. " how could she know.  All her hours and years were spent indoor. Doing what every child wasn't doing.

"No. I didn't know. So what are you going to do then." Ntombi was concerned now. He didn't know the  kind of feeling that was threatening to break her heart now. She cared for the prince and it scared her.

"I have to find the love of my life before them. Someone I'm willing to spend the rest of my life with." The Prince simply answered Ntombi. He too cared deeply for her. He knew how to become himself whenever he was around her. He knew that whatever he felt for her was growing each and every second spreading like a virus that will cave his heart and not let him love another. 

They looked at eachother intensively. No one was willing to look away. Some force came between them and pulled them to eachother. One thing led to another and their lips met. The world spinned around them and they were pulled into some sort of a wonderful abyss where no one entered. Muzi knew from that instant that he would do anything to be next to her. He will marry Ntombi. That was what his heart wanted at that moment and for the rest of his life.


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