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That bitch want me out of here. Who does she think she's dealing with. She has no idea. I have every right to think she too used black magic on that lousy man called the king. No matter how much i try i can't get complete control over him, need I mention I'm the strongest person on this land more if this baby doesn't make it. I'll rule and make this kingdom rot just as i am. Is their love really that strong. What did she use on this man?

"I said want him gone Muzi." She said. I was eavesdropping on them just as always I've always done. Something tells me that she knows something. Why is she so resistant on making me vanish. I won't move.

"I can't just release him off his duties." The king said. My magic working on him of course. I must accomplish what I came here for.

"Then you leave me no choice, I'll be leaving no later than the end of this month." This women and her persistent. The only place she'll go is where her ancestors are with that destruction she has in her.

"You will not leave. What I say is final. I cannot have my wife seeking shelter else where as if she doesn't have a home." I couldn't tell whether it was really him speaking or the influence I have over him.

"You can't keep me here locked up as if in prison. I can go wherever I desire." She said chickly replied. She is obviously not the always obeying type of women. What happened to women and doing whatever their husbands say, she's obviously spoiled.

"Then request for something else or at least give a reasons why you hate him. Last I checked I hired him. This is my kingdom." She is forcing me to make him harsher. Oh well she deserves it. Why would anyone want me gone (note the sarcasm).

"Then keep it all your highness. I won't stay here to watch you take this kingdom to dust." She got my ears perch high when she said that. I urged the king to demand what she meant by that. If she knows then I guess all plan will have to change.

"What are talking about? " the King asked.

"You mean you don't even see what's right under your nose. Your... ahhh!" She screamed before she could finish up her sentence. There goes my answer...

"Ahhh!!! Muzi I think the baby is coming!! Ahhh!" I froze. She can't have that baby. Not when I can help it.

"Breathe." The king said obviously trying to calm her down. "Oh what must I do?" Is this the King's voice? He must look like a deer facing headlights. He sounded clueless and helpless.

"Get me out of here. Call the healer. Ahhh!" I heard rushing and pushing then silence... no one spoke. For a moment I thought I was caught.

"Ntombi what is wrong? Are feeling okay? You are scaring me." The king asked with concern thickly laced in his voice.

"I feel nothing now. I'm okay now. It was a false alarm I guess. The healer said I'd start feeling these kinds of pains, it's a way of my body preparing itself for full Labour."

"Oh thank God. I was so scared." Ntombi laughed. "I didn't mean to scare you. I really need to prepare you too." They both laughed as if nothing happened. It puzzled me how they argue a minute then the other minute they laugh as if they weren't disagreeing. it must feel good. I almost feel sorry for Eliza. Her own greed led her to this entanglement anyways and she is or was a valuable instrument to my plan.

My intention is not to entirely destroy the kingdom but I promised my friends from the other side that I'll invite them when due time comes. I needed all the support I can get. Down there is hell and a man has got to do what a man has to do. I left them to be for now. This event has called for some action to be done right away. I've risked too much already. To hell with people seeing the real monster. Not to mention that the princess is carrying my son...

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