Million Stars, but Only One Moon

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As if on black canvas, the dark skies are stud with blinking stars. Painted with mesmerizing white drops. The golden stellar nebula is spilling like blood between the dancing lights with elegancy and I am mesmerized.

Fate can be a talented artist.

Fate knits threads between people draw paths on which they are walking, and shape faces with dazzling minds.

But I know, there are no as lovely eyes like his.

As wild curls as his.

As breath-taking smiles as his.

There is no more tender and curious mind than Paris's.

We lay in the darkness, in the nothingness, again. Only the stars twinkle above us. I wonder, how come I have never seen such a thing.

I look at the man before me. His clouded eyes, dark and full of thoughts and secrets. The light reflects in them. It illuminates the emotion I could only dream of, until today.


"I cannot believe you have never seen stars," Paris whispers as if he fears anything louder would make the stars disappear. As if he thought the stars are shy, his voice is low and seductive. I know, he doesn't realize how much he affects me.

"Me neither," I say in awe. Countless petite flames burn shyly, but when they start to shine, they are blinded by their charm.

"Look," says Paris. He points to the fantasy universe above us.

I hesitantly gaze away from the demon with heavenly wings. Star on the night sky sparkle mischievously and then slide down the darkness behind the horizon. The trail behind the star quickly became dark and cold from the touch.

I sigh with astonishment. I can feel him smiling beside me.

The feeling of knowing that Paris could rest by my side made me copy his happiness.

"When my sister was small, I told her that every time a star falls, an angel visits earth to collect a soul of a puppy to bring to the world with mountains made of bones. Now that I think of it, it might have sounded kind of creepy." he chuckles.

I watch the lines on his face change so tenderly and smoothly. It makes me somehow selfishly calm, that only I could see the beauty in his eyes.

Perhaps I am the only one with sight or it is the magic in my veins: I could see the beauty of his laugh. Paris's voice is as deep and tender as the warmest wave in the oceans.

Everything no one has seen, I appreciate affectionately.

"You must have been an amazing brother." I smile, meaning every word. I search for mistakes in the wondrous creature before me. Every time, however, it is only another perfection to add to the list.

His care for his sister, concern for me, and shameless care for himself only astonishes me every time. I realize how strong he is.

I know then. There is no doubt I love him.

I love him.

I nearly chuckled at the thought. I did not fall for this man. I have not jumped off a cliff, and he has not caught me. No. Paris lifted me in the air, made me smile, and let the wind play with my hair. All that and many things more that make me feel madly free but also peacefully safe.

His eyes look into mine. Dripping with emotion.

There are no tears nor any pain. The only thing left in his soul after all this time of remembrance is longing.

"She was an amazing sister." He smiles. I return the gesture.

The mist around us becomes denser and colder, but his gaze warms me with its intensity and with hidden feeling.

As if I am the only one in his crowded world, he looks at me tenderly. As if in the sea of creatures, there is no one drawn with as bright colours as me.

When I look at him, the whole world stops. It becomes silent. It becomes blind. The only thing I can see, hear, him. His beautiful eyes blind me with their sparkle, his voice slows and his words leave me mute.

Maybe he is a little bit as Animaiuses are when with his gaze, speed of breath, and warmth of his fingers, he speaks into my soul and gracefully dances into my heart.

We are gazing into the eyes of each other for too long. There is silence, that we usually fill with laughter and silly jokes.

But now, we are silent. I know no one who I would want to be silent with.

"Tell me you feel it too," he says and I silently watch his eyes flutter with vulnerability.

My breath hitches.

I read many stories where soulmates crashed into each other like hurricanes. Their love shook the ground, and their passion stirred the oceans.

That isn't us.

Paris is calm as overflowing clouds high above the horizon. Quiet as a whisper of leaves in the middle of the autumn. Beautiful as the simplest meadow and his peaceful spells magical as the devilry burning the worlds far, far away...

The hotness of his breath lands on my cheek, and his fingers caress my arm. His gaze is unflinching and confident.

It was a simple gaze. It isn't written with promises of gold nor possessive desire. There is only the feeling.

It is not going to assure you of a bright future or wish for anything. Unselfish, untamed, simple emotion that reflected in our eyes like the million eyes above us.

The stars fall in golden rain, and the dream is deciding between worlds.

Except I do not want to show Paris my world, and neither do I want to let him show his.

All I need is right there before my lips.

I am not scared. I am not diving into desire. I was at peace because that is what Paris does to me. He gives me peace, which no one could take away from me. Instead of a quickening breath, my content sigh lands on his cheek.

Instead of waiting for my prince to kiss me, I refuse to wait. I lean into his scent.

At that moment, I already know my love for him is limitless. There can be wolds, armies or only a dream and I would find my Paris.


He was my moon in the dreamless night. There were many stars, many people around him. But my eyes would always land in his, as I do into his arms now...

My heart skips a beat, and I sit up hurriedly.

"Paris. Something is wrong." I say and he sits up too.

"What? What is going on?"

"I-I don't know. I think I am-"

And just like that, with a snap of fingers, I wake up with blood on my hands.




I was wrong. It isn't a storm. It's a huricane...


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(I just never seem to get it right.)


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