Tattoos and secrets

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Have you ever been in love?

Have you really?

Have you ever been so sure of yourself, of him, the world that you for certain knew that you are in love?

Love is only one. How can you know your Paris isn't only a replacement of something better?

I sound like Paris with all these question.

But I for one, know the answer.

You just know.

There is no reason to it. Nothing logical. No symptom of never-ending love. It is just there.

And yet...

I stood in the dark kitchen, the burns on my arm resembling tattoos. I stole the spells. I stole them and store them, somewhere where the king could never get them. On my skin. He never looked at that blank piece of paper. I burned the original.

I stood in the dark kitchn like a traitor.

I sighed shakily. As much as I loved Paris. I didn't belong here. If I return, we could continue our dreams together but...

I might visit but I don't belong here. I raise my hands and shake witht the power that pushes through me. I try not to lose control. I was weak. After all the healing, I was weak, but I continued. The azure sparkles appear in the air.

Paris would be sad, but I knew he would get over it. Even though I loved him, even if I couldn't get enough of him...

I flinch when I feel the wetness on my chest. I look down and I realise... I am crying...

And then it hits me.

I don't just want to dream with him. I have a fantasy in my hands. Why would I give that up?

"Because of the king." says the voice in my head.

"That bastard doesn't matter to me anymore."

"And her?" Says the voice again.

The flash of the woman I admired all my life, appears before my eyes. All that I am...because of her. I knew her. She loved me.

Till we are ready to tell another story.

She wouldn't want this.

So I close the portal and go back to my love.

Because I have learned from love that chasing a cause in revenge I don't really desire is like chasing a shadow in darkness.




Well, that was a relief. I guess we have some things we should learn from Juliette.

See you on THURSDAY.

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