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The deserted corridor was damp and the rough-hewn stone was slimy. I avoid puddles of water, into which flows the water from the walls and the crevices of the ceiling. The weapons on my body are lighter than I'd like, but if I want to be fast and quiet, I had to leave a few weapons in the inn.

I still doubt the nanny's credibility, but still ...I drove away all unwanted thoughts as the moonlight reflected off the damp walls.

My footsteps were quiet, but my breathing was loud. A pounding heart awakens my senses to alertness. I exhale softly and enter.The royal kitchen was quiet and dim. It was too early for breakfast and too late to clean up after dinner, so it was empty. Still, I had to hurry. I crept between the copper pans and large pans. I awkwardly hit the candles on the wall, almost running into the dishes that were drying next to me.

I never got a good grade for espionage.The kitchen door didn't creak. Exactly as the nanny said. I slipped down the empty corridor and hurried past the windows, reminiscent of Fate's big eyes. The cold night raged behind the windows and moon rays drew the shapes on the walls. I remembered these corridors as if I was exploring them just yesterday, even though it had been months. Months of flight and hiding should have erased such bittersweet memory, but I still remember.

The nanny said that much had changed since the side of the old palace had burned down. Tall, magnificent towers grew like towering dragon necks, and the palace was quiet even during the day.

I hoped to see out of the corner of my eye the familiar person I was growing up with, but that wasn't possible.

No one survived. Just me and those who now hid in the shadows. I still didn't come to terms with their deaths.

I hadn't heard the guards yet. But I would run into them soon.

The feeling of insecurity consumed my soul, but I sacrificed so much and the desire for revenge drove me crazy. Paris would say revenge was not the answer. I remembered him telling me about Hamlet. I think I would have listened more carefully if his lips hadn't distracted me. I couldn't take my eyes off of him as he moves them. Gracefully and sensually. I couldn't help but smile. My face ached with a smile and my fingers tingled as I remembered how tightly we held hands.

I forgot where I was. I didn't notice that I stopped. I am not interested in the guards I smelled around the corner.If I couldn't dream of Paris, I didn't want to dream at all. I hated a little how addicted I was to the man, but I also loved it. I seemed unable to be without him, and with surprising calmness, I realized that I would like to die for him. I only want to kiss him for the emotions he gave me.

I sighed and approached the corner. There were guards around it. The corridor was long. And there were two guards. If I would pounced on them now, at least one of them would blow the horn and wake up the whole palace. I thought briefly before I lowered myself, and sent a ball across the ground. They must have noticed it when I heard the armour rattling. One few steps. I wanted to hit my forehead. Of course, they would only send one. Strategically, someone must always stand at the door. Adrenaline overshadowed my thinking.

The guard was approaching. I straightened along the wall and prepare.Just a few feet. One more step and ...I grab his collar and aim the dart right into his neck. My hand shook as he closes his eyes quietly, exhausted by the sleep brought by the crushed gojãndt. I held him. His body covered my hand as I fumbled with the other for another dart.

"Balt?" A woman's voice asked, and the affection stung my heart. It will only be a moment, I promised them. I could hear her movements as I released her friend, jumped out from behind him, and fired.

Her fingers were on the trumpet, but the dart was already flying. Before she could pull out the trumpet, she fell to the ground with an arrow in her throat with her eyes close.

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